A look back at Heartland Season 15

I almost can't believe that we just finished another season of Heartland. The past weeks have brought a jumble of emotions, some difficult story lines and some satisfying closure to past events in the series. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but the very end of the episode was so touching and a perfect way to close out the season, in my opinion.
As for whether or not there will be a next chapter, we will have to wait and see. I have my fingers crossed.
One of the questions I get asked a lot in the DMs on the official Heartland social media channels is "How can I watch the new season in Canada?" Sorry for those outside the country, I don't have answers for you right now but, in Canada, you can watch any episode of the entire Heartland series, including the newest season, on CBC Gem.
• Watch Heartland on CBC Gem for Free (Canada)
Not only has Heartland season 15 ended, but the year is also coming to a close and I want to leave you with a couple of things before signing off for the holidays.
First, I've updated the full list of music from the series. The name of every song from the series, and the artists who performed them, are listed in this file and I know for a fact that several fans out there have created Heartland playlists on multiple music streaming platforms using this list. You can get that list right here:
The second thing I wanted to leave is a little gallery of my favourite photos from the official photography taken during production of season 15. I chose one photo from each episode (which was a lot harder than you might think!) and I really wanted to show you some of the images that haven't been shared before but I did include some really good ones that have. I hope you enjoy.

Here's an extra one from episode 1503:

Bonus - I just love this photo of Shaun Johnston and Jessica Steen:

Just because the season is over, doesn't mean there isn't anything to talk about. Be sure to subscribe to the Heartland Youtube channel and click the notification bell, because there will be new videos coming soon! You can also follow the official social channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get new information and learn about new videos as well.
Lastly, a heads-up that next week there will be a bit of a blog hiatus as we close out the year, so look for new blogs in January. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!