The penultimate episode of Heartland Season 15 airs this Sunday

Hey Heartland fans!
I know the burning question that's on all of your minds: How convenient was it that Caleb and Sam as showed up as pool-playing buddies to distract Amy while she was (by request) crashing Lou's "date"?
It's nice to see that "date or no date", Amy is letting herself have some positive, and social, moments. (See Caleb's reaction in the very same scene of episode 1508)
Seriously though, there was a lot going on in 1508 and I think the entire cast and crew pulled together an amazing episode, and The Hudson Lumberjack Games were particularly fun! I want to also send an extra shout-out to Michelle Morgan who did a wonderful job as Lou, as usual, and also behind-the-scenes as director.
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This Sunday we will see the second-last episode of Heartland season 15. It feels like this year went by so quickly. Can you believe we have had two seasons of Heartland in one year? I think I may have mentioned this before but, as you may remember, Heartland Season 14 began at the beginning of the year, so we have had a solid amount of Heartland for the year (but we can always want more!)
All said, what has been a little less than a year for us, has been almost two years for the characters in the show.
On to the next new Heartland! Coming this Sunday, the new episode is called "The Long Game" and was written by Mark Haroun, who has been working on Heartland for quite some time now. It was directed by Gloria Kim.
In the episode, Amy enters Spartan into an endurance race after realizing he's not ready to retire, Jack is set on gentling an unbroke horse despite the danger, and Lou and Katie reveal hidden feelings while camping.
Be sure to check the Heartland Youtube channel tomorrow for the first look and get some extra insight before the episode airs on CBC this Sunday.
Finally I normally haven't been doing this lately, but I thought I would give you an image or two from the next episode before the first look comes out tomorrow. Take a peek:

And don't miss the full episode, titled "The Long Game" this Sunday at 7/7:30NT on CBC and streaming on CBC Gem!