Heartland hits 225 episodes with more on the way

Every time there is a new season of Heartland, there is an anticipation that sets in after one season ends and the wait for a new season begins. This year, we got two seasons of Heartland only months apart. Season 14 started on January 10th, after all. So I'm glad that we didn't have to wait very long to see new episodes.
This past Sunday, Heartland Season 15 premiered to Canadian audiences on CBC and CBC Gem. Titled "Moving Toward the Light", the episode marks the 225th episode since the series started in October of 2007.
• Watch Heartland on CBC Gem for Free (Canada)
Moving Toward the Light was written by Heather Conkie and was directed by Pierre Tremblay, both of whom are no strangers to the series and I think they brought their "A-game" to the new season, but they always do so there is no surprise there. I hope you had a chance to watch it.
In case you haven't seen the episode and need a little hint of what to expect, here is the season 15 trailer:
No doubt you may have seen the logline from the episode, especially if you have watched on CBC Gem, but to expand on it, here is the longer synopsis from the official production notes:
"When a former old mentor of Amy's sends his trainer and a matched pair of beautiful liberty horses to Heartland, Amy has to train the three to work together again for their popular show. But Amy's efforts also end up shedding some light on her own future. Meanwhile, despite some suggestions that it might be time for him to slow down, Jack decides to do the opposite and ramp up... by taking a leap and buying Mitch's herd of cattle. And Tim returns from his big trip with an equally big surprise for everyone."
You can probably guess who the old mentor mentioned in the note might be and, if you haven't seen the episode, you can head over to CBC Gem right now to catch up.
• Watch Heartland on CBC Gem for Free (Canada)
More Heartland Season 15 Premiere Coverage
Take a look at some of the stories that have come out all over the Internet about the new season, now that episode 1501 has aired:
Brief Take Interview with Amber Marshall
Popternative Interview with Amber Marshall
Canada.com interview with Amber Marshall
Liberty Work Mini Documentary
After the Season 15 premiere, there was also a mini-documentary produced that goes behind the scenes to look at the Liberty Work done for this episode. It reminds us of some of the memories that make this first episode so special for Heartland fans and also how the production went about creating new ones.
Now that we have all of that out of the way, let's turn our attention to the new episode that is coming to CBC and CBC Gem this Sunday. Episode 1502 is called "Runaway" and was directed by Ken Filewych and written by Mark Haroun.
In the new episode, a wild stallion escapes from Sam's ranch during a burglary and Amy will stop at nothing to find him. Lisa's latest business investment is at risk and Tim and Jessica adjust to life back at Heartland.
More on that when you watch the new episode this weekend.
And I know many of you have been asking about the "First Looks" for this year and I'm happy to tell you that they will be back on Fridays before new episodes, starting tomorrow. So make sure you subscribe to the Youtube channel to be the first to see them!
That's all for today folks but don't forget to tune-in this Sunday at 7/7:30 NT to CBC and CBC Gem for the next NEW episode of Heartland and be sure to jump on your social media platform of choice afterward and let me know what you think!