Your horoscope for the week ahead: The first quarter moon in Aquarius may bring hidden feelings to the surface
Meanwhile, use this Sagittarius season to enrich your life with adventure — and compassion for others

Pay extra attention to how you engage with others at the start of this week. On Monday, when the emotion-ruling moon waxes into her first quarter in independent Aquarius, our reactions to other people could be particularly telling — especially if we're told to hit pause on a particular project or endeavour. If you notice any hidden feelings rising to the surface, try opening up to your friends and family about them; our loved ones can help us overcome challenges and gain valuable perspective during this lunation.
Our focus will become needle-sharp on Tuesday, as action-oriented Mars sextiles power-hungry Pluto. While you may feel tempted to hit the ground running during this aspect, take a moment to look within and really consider where you'd like to spend your energy. If you select a project that's truly worthy of your time, these planets help will guide you toward success.
Then, when the ego-ruling sun enters optimistic Sagittarius on Wednesday, you could feel even more eager to get moving. As the sun illuminates this mutable fire sign, we often crave adventure, intrigue and intellectual stimulation, and feel ready to explore new approaches to old problems. Use this month-long transit to enrich your life with knowledge — and compassion for others. It's also a beautiful time to engage with your community.
Still, you may want to lower your expectations of others on Thursday, as people may be difficult to please when the sun squares restrictive Saturn. Recognition, admiration and praise all tend to be hard to find when these heavenly bodies clash, which can make creative projects a challenge. To avoid becoming disheartened, you'll be wise to put your blinders on and stick to tackling essential tasks.
Come Friday, when energetic Mars also moves into Sagittarius, you could start to feel some relief. Nothing is out of reach when the red planet is behind us. Still, the impulsivity of this transit can make it difficult to maintain our routines and focus on minor details. Do your best to stay accountable to yourself during this period — doing so is essential if you want to realize your dreams.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 20, 2023.
Are you ready to see how you fit into the bigger picture, Aries? Over the course of this Sagittarius season, seize the chance to strengthen your knowledge of the world around you. You can find deep satisfaction by engaging in philosophical conversations and embarking on new adventures during this period. On the work front, try not to take anything too personally this week. People may not be able to appreciate your pearls of wisdom, but don't let this discourage you from accomplishing your goals. You can still work behind the scenes to do what needs to be done.
You're vibrating on a whole new level this week, Taurus. People will be drawn to your magnetic spirit and comforted by your presence, allowing you to charm and inspire confidence in others. If you're single, this could even put you in an ideal position to attract someone special. Meanwhile, as the new astrological month begins, you may feel more emboldened and courageous, especially when it comes to your cash. Now is a great time to figure out any financial puzzles that have been looming over your head so that you make space for what's next.
You'll be on fire at the start of this week, Gemini. Harness this productive energy to get things done at record speed and face even the most demanding tasks on your to-do list head-on. Then, if you have some time to spare at the end of it all, don't hesitate to use this new superpower to help out the people you love. Meanwhile, as Sagittarius season begins, you could start to gain a fresh sense of appreciation for your relationships in friendship, business and love. Take this month to reflect on how leaning on the people around you can enrich your life.
It's time to fine-tune your focus, Cancer. While your world could feel abuzz with activity at the start of the week, it's essential that you work to cut out the background noise. You may be able to make some extra money if you can figure out how to leverage your business and creative partnerships. Seize this moment to connect with people who match your energy. Then, as a new astrological month dawns, you could feel inspired to buckle down on your spending habits and let go of a bit of luxury in order to reach a particular financial goal. Use your creative mind to come up with inexpensive ways to elevate your day-to-day.
Spread the love, Leo. You could start to feel more playful and romantic as Sagittarius season begins this week, presenting a nice change of pace from the previous astrological month. No matter your relationship status, don't be afraid to mix things up, invest in your interests and enjoy a little casual flirtation. If you're single, this could be a wonderful time to step back into the dating pool. Toward the end of the week, you may face an unexpected obstacle that threatens to take the wind out of your sails. Summon your self-confidence and figure out how you can move forward without sacrificing your dignity.
Embrace your space, Virgo. This Sagittarius season will be all about nourishing your domestic world, so take this opportunity to redirect your energy toward elevating your surroundings. If you've been thinking about making some minor adjustments to your home, or even a big move, this week will be an ideal time to start making concrete plans. Then, on the weekend, do your best to avoid biting off more than you can chew. Attempting to see eye-to-eye with work and creative partners could prove especially frustrating. Take a break from your projects and unwind with family and friends instead.
Are you ready to readjust your budget, Libra? This week, you could have an eye-opening realization about your finances that has the potential to save you a substantial amount of money in the future — so long as you're able to quash your current spending. Then, as Sagittarius season begins, your inbox and schedule could start to fill up quickly, making organization a top priority. As your social life becomes richer, you may even feel inspired to seek out hidden treasures in your neighbourhood. Aim to forge fresh connections with your neighbours and your community; new friendships have the power to uplift your spirit.
Speak up, Scorpio. This week, you can achieve just about anything you set your mind to at work if you can summon the confidence to voice your desires out loud. People are likely to be particularly accommodating during this period, clearing the way for you to make significant strides in your projects. Just be ready to pay any help you receive forward, as selfish actions could have a real blowback effect. Then, as we enter a new astrological month, your focus could shift toward securing your finances. Attaining wealth is a challenge that you're suited to; use this Sagittarius season to figure out your next move.
You deserve to shine, Sagittarius. And as we enter your astrological season mid-week, you could start to receive the recognition you've been waiting for. During this period, people will be more likely to appreciate your talents and engage with your thinking, making it a beautiful time to connect with others — and ask for what you want. When it comes to your finances, you're encouraged to keep things simple this week, as getting involved in new agreements or making big purchases could leave you feeling overwhelmed. If you find yourself tempted to splurge, remember to ask yourself if you genuinely need it first.
Imagine that you've just taken a long journey, Capricorn. You're at the end of your adventure, standing on a mountain's peak, and you can see exactly where you've travelled. The beginning of this Sagittarius season marks your ascent to the top. You'll be blessed with the ability to look back on all the challenges you've overcome — and the people you've connected with — from a fresh perspective. Over the next four weeks, consider how you can use this information to inform your next expedition into the unknown. Don't hurry back down the mountain — for now, simply rest and reflect.
Try not to sell yourself short, Aquarius. Displaying your passion, experience and professionalism could help you to win some favours from colleagues or business partners this week. This is also a beautiful time to network and collaborate, so make an effort to summon your confidence and reach out to those with mutual interests. As Sagittarius season kicks off mid-week, you may feel inspired to schedule in more time with your closest friends. Enjoy filling up your social calendar with fun and rejuvenating activities and discussing your ambitions with your favourite people.
Your active imagination could leave you feeling unsettled at the start of this week, Pisces. If you find that certain thoughts or vivid dreams are sticking with you in an unpleasant manner, take a second to try and interpret their meaning in a more positive way. This is a wonderful opportunity to let go of self-limiting beliefs and make positive changes. Then, as we enter a new astrological month, you may feel inspired to turn your mind back toward reality and focus on your public life and reputation at work. Sagittarius season will present you with numerous opportunities to make lasting impressions on your colleagues. Aim high and get ready to shoot your shot.