Bryanna Collier

Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.

Latest from Bryanna Collier

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Be honest — but temper it with kindness

Then, as the sun trines bold Mars, it’ll be a wonderful moment to make waves in your romantic world.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Slow down and focus on rebuilding your self-confidence

Consider how you can strike a balance between feeding your spirit and trying to make the world a better place.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: It's time to get back in touch with your true voice

As Pisces season arrives, turning inward could help you tap into your creative spirit, experiment and transform.

Your special 2025 astrological love forecast

Every zodiac sign has its own love-ruler — astrologer Bryanna Collier explains what's in store for each one this year.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Be direct about how you feel — and leave nothing unsaid

Meanwhile, the full moon in confident Leo could stoke your passion in all kinds of exhilarating ways.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Are you ready to heat things up?

As relationship-ruling Venus moves into courageous Aries, it’s time to be bold and take more chances on love.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Prepare for your emotions to take centre stage

As Venus conjuncts Neptune this weekend, we’ll be called to open our hearts and find more empathy for the people around us.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Challenge yourself to experience something brand new

It’s a brilliant time to break free from your self-imposed limitations and go all in

Your horoscope for the week ahead: The first full moon of the year will help you move forward with kindness

As Aquarius season kicks off this weekend, it’ll be a brilliant moment to [experiment and] rewrite any self-imposed rules.

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Don't be afraid to take things extra slow

Also, try to avoid distractions and stay the course as the first quarter moon arrives in daring Aries.