Your horoscope for the week ahead: The sky adds fire to your will to win

The Sun just entered the wilful sign of Leo, ruled by Apollo, the ancient God of creativity, the arts, prophecy, healing and intuition. And as he does, the Moon's orbit takes her place between us and the Sun, thus marking the New Moon phase and the beginning of another Lunar Month.
The next New Moon on August 21 will double as Total Solar Eclipse. That will probably be the most important Solar Eclipse in 100 years. We'll be examining that very soon.
The sky is adding fire into the bubbling celestial cauldron. Of the four elements of fire, earth, air and water, it is the element of fire that will play the biggest part this week. Fiery Mars and the hot Sun, both in Leo, will merge on Wednesday. This will blast you with a volley of proactive energy. You only have a short time in the time-space continuum to accomplish what you came here to do. Put your muscle into building the future you came into this world to attain. Your destiny rests in your hands.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, July 24, 2017.
It can be most annoying how some people get away with bad behaviour. As true as this might be, it's better to not think too much about it. Negative thoughts attract more trouble. It is vital to maintain an upbeat and hopeful disposition. So, get your mind off what disturbs you. A healthy, optimistic mood will attract a certain lucky encounter or auspicious development you urgently need. The Universe is rallying to support you.
When travelling from Point A to Point B, we often need to use different modes of travel like planes, trains and automobiles. Likewise, your path in life seems to be moving you forward by making you adapt to many unforeseen changes. A benevolent star has been guiding you through a series of twists and turns. It may not seem like it, but you are on the fastest route to your destination – so stay with it! You will get to where you want to be faster than you think.
It's hard to imagine that a mechanical device like a clock can move at different speeds. Yet time, ruled by Saturn aka Chronos, the root of chronology, which once moved as slow as a meandering river, is now moving like a torrential deluge. The hands on the clock are spinning around faster than ever. Do your best to slow the pace of life down to a manageable level. Stop the madness. Get out of the race and settle down for a little relaxation and some refreshing sleep. That will reconnect you with the benevolent source that guides you.
Jupiter aka Zeus is doing his level best to deliver something you've been eagerly awaiting. One minute it's nearly here, the next it gets blown away. Delays and setbacks, notwithstanding, the tide remains firmly on your side. You are on the right path to get to where you need to be. New ideas, new plans and exciting new prospects will at last put a large distance between yourself and an old long-standing source of stress.
Our human experience here on planet Earth is going through a tumultuous time. There is no need to worry, though, because for you the outlook is excellent. Your extensive experience has armed you with a broad collection of effective strategies to beat even your toughest challenges. Add to that your enhanced emotional intelligence and you're a cinch to successfully reach a most cherished dream. A benign sky is watching over you.
Mars is pressuring you to right a few wrongs, square a few circles, in order to set certain process in motion. An idea you're toying with seems almost too bold and audacious even by your normal standards, but you intuitively know that a radical step must be taken. The key is to be bold and determined, without being aggressive. If you act on this idea decisively, it will transform your world into an unimaginably exciting and inspiring place.
An old and burdensome commitment has been weighing you down, but not for much longer. The stars are concentrating on drawing your attention to the need to do what's right for you; enough of all this self-sacrificing. It seems that you are quite fortunate in narrowly missing getting drawn into still more commitments. The consequences would have been quite dire. A positive shift from fatigue to strength is taking place. The Sun's entry into Leo is going to have you dancing on the sunny side of the street.
Despite the severe celestial turbulence raging over our heads, it needn't cause you any hardship. Thanks to Mercury, a piece of vital information will turn up quite unexpectedly and take the wind out of a disturbing issue. As your perspicacity grows, it will become noticeably easier to deal with the challenges you face. The future is truly looking better than you are inclined to think. In fact, it's positively scintillating.
Someone needs to be taken into your confidence. Doing so will lead to a candid exchange. Letting them know your true feelings doesn't guarantee that they will respond in kind, but it will go a long way to healing the misunderstanding. Be firm whilst being courteous and don't feel obliged to retract from any principled position. An auspicious link from Venus gives you the power to charm the birds out of the trees, so use your currently enhanced allure to your advantage.
You are doing your best to achieve something that you feel ought to require a lot less effort. A shadow is hanging over an area of your life that normally feels good. Fortunately, it's just a small cloud that will disperse. The universe is testing your resolve and your ability to control your moods. Regardless of the reasons, the difficulties you are working through are now set to ease. A positive turn of events has already begun.
After a long period of ducking and diving in and around problems, you now have a chance to take control of your life and call the shots. Being in charge of your destiny is what you've always wanted. Things have moved on beyond a crucial tipping point. Congratulations are in order. You've faced a big fear and beaten it. You've done extraordinarily well. The opportunity now exists to carve out the future according to your heartfelt desires.
People who are stress carriers rarely have any idea of the anxiety they are spreading around to everyone in their vicinity. They blithely carry on annoying and upsetting everyone. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, you are fully within your rights to geographically remove yourself or, quite simply, just stop thinking about them. Ring some Tibetan Bells and lose yourself in the beauty of sound. You are entitled to peace of mind, so put your needs first for once. The purpose of this life is to be happy. Accept nothing less than total bliss.