Your horoscope for the week ahead: Expect crucial realizations and a real eureka moment
Your epiphany will bring a solution

This is the final week in the current 29.5-day Lunar Month. Calendar months are necessary for making appointments. They are useful for organizing your life, but Lunar Months synch you up with the natural cosmic rhythm of the Universe.
Life on Earth is regulated by the Moon. She breathes in for 2 weeks during the waxing cycle from New to Full. That is followed by a 2-week breathing out period when the Moon wanes from Full to a thin crescent and then finally gets snuffed out with the New Moon.
So, this final week of the Lunar Month will bring crucial realizations.
They will arise in moments of enlightenment. A eureka moment will come when a mystery will be solved and an enigma will reveal its secrets.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, July 17, 2017.
You'd have to be very skilled in the art of negative thinking to miss a bevy of opportunities that are coming your way. Trust your insights and use your outstanding intelligence as best you can. Although, self-doubt is undermining your power and a few problems are shaking your belief in yourself, the sky is being about as supportive as it can be. You have every reason to feel confident and optimistic. You are fishing for a valuable prize and you will soon snag a big catch.
Despite the pressure or perhaps because of it, good creative ideas are welling up from a deep intuitive source within your being. Your personal guiding star is directing you towards the cure for a painful emotional issue. Be sure to not give someone's unhelpful attitude more attention than it deserves. Try not to worry about anything. Keep your thoughts under strict control. Just do what you enjoy and an inner source will take care of everything. An old problem will enter a new positive stage.
To win an argument, it's not necessary to shout. Some people mistakenly reason that by raising their voices their arguments will make them more influential, when all it does is cause annoyance and resentment. You may find yourself dealing with someone like that now. Their attempt to convince you of some indefensible notion has crossed the line of what is reasonable. Do your best to not get coerced into doing anything you're not comfortable with.
A shift from despair to joy is about to turn the tide of events in your favour. If you're willing to nurture a certain good idea and then work hard at making it happen, you will pull yourself out of a complex quandary. Non-action is going to make a problem disappear. Jupiter is working out an arrangement that will bring much good. All you have to do is to carefully consider a proposal that is highly likely to blossom into something quite impressive.
Some news has come to your attention, but you're concerned that it may be an unreliable report based on gossip. It is highly likely that the perpetrators are disseminating information that is not wholly substantiated. We're living in an age of false news and alternative facts, so it is wise to be prudent and cautious concerning what you believe. You'll have to rely on your intuition. There is no need to worry. You will succeed at seeing clearly through the obfuscation. Truth will seek you out.
People who should know better are expressing ideas that are based on faulty suppositions and erroneous conclusions. Their senseless statements can drive the kindliest souls to imagine the most heinous crimes. Plug up your ears and don't listen to them. You don't want to say things you might later regret. Thinking about topics that lift your spirits and fortify your determination will make you rise above your challenges and attract good luck.
This modern day rational materialist world will never succeed and snuffing out your joie de vivre. Nothing could ever suppress your ingenuity and affinity with extemporaneous impulses. If you feel a need to fight against conformity and regulation, you are following a good and natural impulse. Your creative source is laying out a Sun-lit golden path for you to follow. A multitude of good reasons can be found to consider yourself most fortunate.
You've battled your way through a huge challenge. The fact that you're not in a straitjacket (well, one hopes) means you've grown stronger. So, here's hoping you're not reading this in a padded cell. Jupiter is gracing your world with good fortune by magnifying your charisma and charm. The change you are going through is re-invigorating your purpose and sense of destiny. Without doubt, the tide has turned in your favour. The discomfort of an untenable scenario is finally coming to an end.
You have a good grasp of the dynamics of a crucial dilemma, but can't quite understand what needs to be done to resolve it. Mercury will help you gain a valuable insight to do just that. To open your doors of perception, you will need to lighten up your spirits. Trust the lucky star that's guiding you along your path. Cosmic forces are energizing you and making you more active. Your problems possess great gravitas, but don't let them deprive you of your dreams. You have the power to sweep aside whatever obstacle blocks your way.
Your current desire to pursue what appears to others to be an unrealistic plan may have more merit that even you are aware of. You are in a situation that is offering up an opportunity to manifest more of your natural, spontaneous brilliance. Don't laugh. It's true. You are quite brilliant. Give yourself more credit. And give certain dream of yours all your time and energy. Sit back and enjoy the amazing journey you are on. Exciting possibilities are arising all around.
A certain difficult situation is dragging on and on, but it would be wrong to assume that it will continue forever. A solution is imminent. Listen carefully to the creative centre of your being. It will speak to you this week in some cryptic and mysterious way. The cosmic climate is ideal for a message to bubble up into your awareness. A way to escape the tedium of an old trap will come to your attention and bring liberation. Your life is going to take a magical turn.
Celestial portents indicate there is a high likelihood of achieving the miraculous, so make sure you get your priorities right so as not to squander your good luck. Mercury is helping you make an important decision with a judicious eye. There is a chance to put right all that is wrong and fulfil a fantasy. You'll be not only pleased, but surprised with the gifts that this benevolent Universe is planning to bestow upon you.