Your horoscope for the week ahead: This is a tremendous moment of empowerment

The Full Moon energy of this past weekend is giving this week a dynamic kick-off. The Moon is amplifying the battle between Pluto (Repression) and Jupiter (Justice). Demonstrations have headlined the news in the global picture. For you on a personal level, however, this is a tremendous moment of empowerment.
The potent energies of Jupiter and Pluto, if harnessed with positive thought and constructive action, offer a rare opportunity for advancement that will allow you to clear away old dismal and circuitous pathways in your life, and replace them with virgin adventure trails.
Original ideas and ground-breaking solutions will reveal the realm of infinite possibilities. You are swiftly moving towards a personal transformation that will give you the clout to achieve the miraculous.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, July 10, 2017.
It's best not to dwell on anything that upsets your mood and equilibrium. Celestial portents indicate there is a high likelihood of achieving the miraculous, so make sure you get your priorities right so as not to squander your good luck. Mercury is helping you make an important decision with a judicious eye. You'll be not only pleased, but surprised with the gifts that this benevolent Universe is planning to bestow upon you.
A crucial matter requires your immediate action. Clarity of mind will be required to set things straight and avoid any ambiguity. Your greatest chance of achieving this depends on your ability to be forthright, or in other words, to tell it like it is. Deep down you know exactly what needs to be done. The task now is to raise this knowledge up into your conscious awareness. This can be achieved by ceasing the endless rambling of your mind's internal dialogue. Achieving success will come with surprising ease.
Pens and pencils tend to be scarce when they're urgently needed to note something down. Likewise, solutions to challenging issues often prove elusive when they are most required. An obscure answer to a pressing question will come if you nurture your sense of humour. A sanguine disposition will enhance your intuition and magnify your charm and influence. Who could possibly resist you with Venus so auspiciously aligned?
Mercury, aka Hermes, has been guiding you through a series of storms. Challenges over time have honed your creative skills and fostered a close bond with your creative source. They have inspired you to find solutions by thinking out of the box. As a result, you are now in line for some wonderful developments. It's possible now to view a particular dilemma in a new light. This is facilitating the emergence of intelligent and perspicacious insights that will lead to certain success.
It's hard to see the big picture when you're running around like that proverbial chicken that's lost its head, but you are a stable and secure person. You have your feet firmly placed on the ground. The stars insist that your inner compass is in tiptop condition. If anyone can get life back to relative normalcy, it is you. What's important is know what you want and to have a plan on how to attain it. The answers to these questions are working their way into your awareness.
You've been counting the days in anticipation of some good news. Keeping your mental attitude confident will speed up the process. Certain positive developments you require have arrived, but they need to be fine-tuned just a little. With Mercury, The Master of Strategy, on his way back to Earth, you'll find the inspiration and ingenuity to build a plan that will expedite success. A new and exciting phase in your life is undoubtedly just getting underway.
You have gained a great deal of wisdom thanks to your trials, tribulations and setbacks. Yes, you've had more than your fair share of difficulties. A positive turning point is beaming sunshine into your world. It's illuminating an area where you're yearning for positive change. Worry less and let yourself enjoy all the good things that life offers. The ensuing inspiration will heal a certain grim reality and make you understand truly fortunate you really are.
Some valuable insights concerning a vital process are in the works. With wise Jupiter ideally placed, clarity will come where all has been nebulous. This is good. It'll give you a chance to improve your strategy. Some crucial insights will greatly aid your cause and thrust you into the role of a mover and shaker. Keep on moving forward. Enjoy what you're doing. These are auspicious days for you. All will be well.
Yes, you've faced a mountain of worry and apprehension. And you've had moments when you doubted your ability to overcome your challenges. Well, the good news is that certain beneficial planetary alignments are expediting the arrival of success. There is no need to feel disconsolate. Quite the contrary, there is good reason to feel upbeat and positive. The tide has already turned in your favour. The shift you've been yearning for has begun.
In your determination to reach a goal or to fulfil a promise, do be careful not to take action that could be deemed as drastic. This is not a time for extreme measures or angry decisions. Mind that you don't stir up more trouble than it's worth. A certain troubled scenario will sort itself out if you take your mind off it and allow it to run its course. Life is too short to dwell on such issues, especially now when the stars are planning a vast array of good things for you.
A goal or dream you that you've been nurturing for what seems like eons is very close to coming to fruition. Chances are you can't remember when you first planted the seed. It is a good demonstration of how powerful thoughts truly are. A friendly sky is whisking you along to your dream destination. Trust in yourself and your talents. Be assured in the knowledge that Hermes, the Master of Tactic, is guiding you to success.
With the way things are going in these topsy-turvy times, it may seem hard to believe that an acceptable solution to an agonizing problem you are grappling with is within your grasp. Invisible, but benevolent celestial forces are doing everything in their power to gain your trust. A foolproof strategy that would bring a long-lasting and positive difference where you need it most will be found. You will reach a profound and treasured dream.