Your special Summer Solstice horoscope is here
This year’s Midsummer’s Day is especially potent; create the future of your dreams!

Magic will be unleashed with the summer solstice as the sun enters the nurturing Sign of the Crab, Cancer: Wednesday June 21, 2017 at 12:24am ET. It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. But, don't worry about the days getting shorter — it'll take at least another month before it's noticeable. We've still got the heat to come with the long, dog days of summer in late July and early August, when the sun moves into fiery Leo.
Midsummer's Day is caused by our beautiful oasis of life here on planet Earth tilting roughly 23.5 degrees off vertical axis. In June, the North Pole is tilted closest towards the direct light and heat of the Sun, thus marking the start of summer. The sun's entry into Cancer is all about nurturing our hopes, dreams and aspirations. It's a major juncture in the year which essentially began with the planting of the seeds on the spring equinox of March 20. With the solstice, those seeds are now blossoming. The warmth and moisture of Cancer will lead to their fruition in the fall.
This year's Midsummer's Day is especially potent because it coincides with Mercury, aka Hermes, reaching the far side of the sun. The Master of Strategy, as Homer called him, is shifting from a morning star to an evening star. He'll soon be appearing low on the western horizon after sunset.
The sun and Mercury are creating a magical moment for you to connect with the benevolent forces of the universe. Light a candle and write down your heartfelt wishes. You are creating the future of your dreams.
Here is your horoscope for the Summer Solstice.
You're caught in a situation where it seems you can do very little to influence an outcome. How wrong you are, oh ye of little faith. Positive change is already happening. Turn off that blaring radio of internal dialogue. No more monkey chatter. The spring of wisdom that exists within your being is taking you where you need to go. Have faith. The freedom you yearn for will be achieved. You have every reason to begin celebrations as coming events will thoroughly demonstrate.
All planetary indications point to hard lessons of the past paying off in a big way for you. The stars have selected you as the lucky recipient of certain benefits that will hasten the arrival of success right where it's needed most. After the way things have been going, you are arguably more than entitled to some good news. And good news is exactly what you'll get. The great benefactor, Jupiter, will bequeath you with a surprise that you are sure to appreciate. What you desire will come with effortless ease.
The presence of guilt in your palette of emotions is obscuring a decision you must make if you are to escape from a particularly confusing quandary. The clarity you are normally used to enjoying is lacking – temporarily, of course. A little relaxation will get things back on the right track again. Rest is essential to rejuvenate your mind and body. A little extra sleep will replenish your batteries and open the door to that moment of enlightenment you so fervently desire.
A tumultuous situation that arose some time ago flipped over an applecart of sorts. Your life changed as a result. At first it was excruciatingly hard to right that applecart, but now you understand why it all had to happen as it did. The guiding source deep within your being had to crack the whip in order to get you moving in the right direction. You've been placed on the fast track to manifest a cherished dream.
Sources of stress and aggravation are inevitable in this challenging and demanding world, especially now with the world in such turmoil. Yet something good is gathering pace under the surface. It is crucial to not allow anxiety to dominate your feelings. You have developed the skill to find solutions to any storm that might arise. There is absolutely nothing you cannot cope with. You indisputably have what it takes to succeed. The world is your oyster.
Being stuck between a rock and hard place is not the most desirable place to be. A huge worry or concern that has been challenging your sense of emotional security is due to pass. There is every reason to believe that you have the power to break free from constraints that are holding you back. Help is on the way, if you are bold and keep fear from the door. With Mercury strategically positioned on the far side of the sun, you will discover the perfect win-win strategy to attain victory.
It won't be long before an important process starts the winning road to success. Troubles have been ever present, and although they've caused you a lot of concern, you have been managing them well – very well, in fact. The picture now is quite different. The challenges are still there, but your cresting resolve to win has tilted the scales in your favour. It's that very attitude that will attract the good luck needed to pull off a miraculous deed.
The tempest you are battling has been blowing long and hard, but some most encouraging developments have begun to sweep into your life. If you're not aware of them yet, you soon will be. Have no doubt, the summer solstice marks a turning point. Peace of mind is not something any of us get much of these days, but, ironically, it's thanks to your trials that you are now eligible to enter a period of prolonged and well-deserved happiness.
Success will come to you because you understand the agony of making mistakes. In your life, you have come to face to face with failure and have learned valuable lessons. This gives you an advantage, for you have developed the ability to rebound with determination when things do not go as planned. Thanks to your accumulated wisdom, you are now ready to take hold of an opportunity. An exceedingly auspicious alignment of the stars is helping you.
An objective overview of a problematic situation is needed before you can clearly see what your next course of action ought to be. The emergence of some valuable information, as Mercury shifts from a morning to an evening star, will provide a series of perspicacious insights needed to make a decision. It will allow you to rise above a chaotic situation and look into the remainder of this year with renewed optimism.
By a momentous stroke of good fortune, Jupiter, the great benefactor, is currently favourably disposed to your cause on this very special day. A challenge will be subdued. An obstacle will be circumvented as you make a decision that will lead you away from fear and towards victory. The Opener of the Way is carrying you over the threshold into an adventurous new chapter in your life. If there is such a thing as divine intervention, you are about to receive proof.
A certain distressing situation is eliciting a poignant and heartrending cry for change from deep within your soul. It must end. And end it will. Life, as it often does, teaches by delivering hard lessons, but as we gaze into the crystal ball we see a difficult emotional maelstrom coming to a serene conclusion. You are now in the process of doing something breathtakingly brilliant. A rare opportunity will tip the scales firmly in your favour.