A recap of Heartland's first 16 seasons and some news about the Season 17 premiere

It's exciting times for new and long-time Heartland fans! The newest season of the series, Heartland Season 17, will premiere on Sunday, October 1st at 7pm (7:30PM NL) on CBC and CBC Gem. Of course, you can already watch all 16 season of the series on Gem any time and soon there will be even more added to the Heartland story.
• Watch Heartland on CBC Gem for Free (Canada)
Fun fact: Most of you reading this may already know this but, the first episode of Heartland Season 17 is the series' 250th episode!
Heartland Season 1-16: The Journey So Far
Did you have a chance to watch the Heartland YouTube Live premiere of "Heartland Season 1 to 16: The Journey So Far"? The Heartland production has spent a ton of time going through 249 episodes to choose the best moments of the series from seasons 1 to 16. Don't miss this heartwarming recap of the story so far!
Heartland Season 17 Extended Trailer
A first-look at Heartland Season 17 is here! Heartland premiered the Season 17 Extended Trailer last week.
Heartland Season 17 World Premiere at Calgary International Film Festival
To celebrate the 250 episode milestone, Heartland will have its Season 17 World Premiere at the Calgary International Film Festival on Thursday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m. MT in the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. Fans can celebrate episode 1701 in-person together with Heartland cast and crew. Heartland lead cast Amber Marshall, Shaun Johnston, Michelle Morgan and Chris Potter as well as Spartan the horse will be in attendance for the red-carpet and post-screening Q&A. Yes, Heartland's star horse, Spartan will be walking the red carpet!
You can find tickets here.
VIP Fan Meet and Greet in Calgary
Do you want to meet Amber Marshall, Shaun Johnston, Michelle Morgan and Chris Potter in-person at the World Premiere of Heartland Season 17 on Thursday, September 28th? Ticketholders who comment on the Heartland social media channels using the hashtag #HeartlandCIFF250 and tell us why they love Heartland will have the chance!
Keep an eye on the Official Heartland social media channels on Monday, September 25th to see if you are selected!
Heartland on Tiktok
Heartland started an official channel on TikTok channel! Head over to @official_heartlandoncbc on TikTok for fan favourite moments and new updates on Season 17!
Heartland on social media
Follow Heartland's official social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube and now on TikTok!