Online dating refresh from 6 matchmaking experts

Feel like you're swiping right, and right into oblivion?
If you're not having luck matching with prospective partners, you may need to freshen up on your online dating etiquette.
We talked to 6 matchmaking and relationship experts to get their best, most straightforward tips for improving your game.
On saying "hi"
"Allow for three messages back and forth before transitioning from the dating app to text. Gentlemen, give the woman your number rather than asking for hers – in a lot of cases women are a bit more hesitant giving out their personal details." Shannon Tebb, Shanny In the City
"If she's super hot, she's used to physical compliments. Pick something she actually wrote about on her profile to compliment her on." - Anna Jorgensen, Wingmam
"When sending an intro message, it has to be more than "hey" or "hello". Personalize it. Read their profile and pick up on an interest of theirs and ask a question about it." - Terran Shea, Mutual Match
"A man with a plan is sexy. Ask if she is free on specific days and have a location and a time." - Shannon Tebb, Shanny In the City
On choosing winning photos
"You should have a minimum of three photos, but five is best. Choose one close up, one full body and three with you doing some activity that you enjoy." - Deanna Cobden, Dateworks
"Don't choose photos where you're wearing sunglasses. It gives the impression you're hiding something." - Julie Spira, Cyber Dating Expert
"Have a friend – a member of the opposite sex, even better! – review your pictures and have them help you select the best ones. People see you differently than you see yourself." - Terran Shea, Mutual Match
"Include pictures of you smiling, showcasing your personality. This isn't Instagram – you can leave out the duck selfies." - Shannon Tebb, Shanny In the City
"Avoid posting pictures of you with your children – or someone else's children. They don't belong on online dating sites. It amazes me how common this is." - Terran Shea, Mutual Match
On crafting your best profile
"Don't list all your deal breakers – it can make you seem angry, bitter, jaded, and critical." - Anna Jorgensen, Wingmam
"Include a list of your favourite movies, shows, music and food. These may seem like insignificant details but they can showcase various facets of your personality. When I was online dating, I couldn't believe how many people initially messaged me about liking the CBC – seriously!" - Natalia Juarez, Lovistics
"Talk specifics. If you like adventure, do you like spontaneous first class trips to Los Angeles or backpacking in South America? The more you draw them into your world the better the connection and the higher the quality of match that you'll attract.: - Deanna Cobden, Dateworks
Katrina Clarke is a Toronto-based journalist who writes about relationships, health, technology and social trends.