Katrina Clarke
Katrina Clarke is a multimedia journalist based in Fredericton who received the 2018 Gordon Sinclair Roving Reporter Bursary. The Gordon Sinclair Roving Reporter Bursary is awarded annually to an early career journalist and funds a reporting project focused on an underreported issue in Canada or abroad. Follow Katrina on Twitter at @KatrinaAClarke.
Latest from Katrina Clarke
2 Innu communities are looking to culture, tradition and language for students' success
Community leaders and a determined team of educators at the school board are trying to help students strengthen their Innu identity through classroom lessons and time spent on the land.
Indigenous |

What to know when shopping for natural deodorant
The skinny on your options, irritations, and how to trick odours that come back.
Life -Style |

Forest bathing: A practice with roots in Japan gains a foothold in Canada
Digging into 'Shinrin-yoku', its links to health benefits and how it's practiced here
Life -Wellness |

Everything you need to know about August's eclipse of a lifetime
A primer on why this one is a biggie and where to try to catch it!
Life -Wellness |

The cure for the basic wedding
From brunches to weddings on Tuesdays, tips to make your wedding actually unlike the rest.
Life -Style |

We've got your summer adventure fix right here
Get outdoors — and out of your comfort zone — in these Canadian hotspots
Life -Wellness |

Wigs, tattoos, stamps: The bizarre techniques we're using to enhance our brows
Which of these steps would you take to perfect your brow game?
Life -Style |

Divorce selfies, conscious uncoupling and the rise of the amicable divorce
How couples today are splitting happily ever after.
Life |

Women's orgasms are even more fascinating than we fathomed
Ooohing and ahhhing over just what happens to women during the big O
Life -Wellness |

Could these trends in period products mark the demise of tampons and pads?
This Canadian company wants to make period woes a non-issue
Life -Style |