Your horoscope for the week ahead: Venus in sombre Scorpio offers some clarity in relationships
Introspection will reveal much in the next few weeks

The Sun's entry into the mutable sign of Sagittarius this past Saturday shifted us into the transition from fall to winter. The darkness and deep introspection of the final end of summer in Scorpio shift to the high-spirited and celebratory energy of Sagittarius. Time to burn the wood that has stored the summer Sun. Bright colours, ringing bells and singing are the order of the day. Let the holidays begin.
Venus entered sombre Scorpio on the very same day. That will serve as a bit of a counterweight and add a pensive quality to the mood. It's a bit of a mixed bag. The fiery light of Sagittarius will illuminate the hidden world of Scorpio. Introspection will reveal much, especially in regard to relationships. It will give you a chance to iron out problems caused by misunderstandings.
More fire comes on Tuesday when the Moon enters the action-sign of Aries. It's time to get to work. And then the biggest event of the week comes on Saturday when Neptune goes direct after five long months or retrograde motion. Some confusion will be noticeable but once the fog clears you see things with amazing clarity.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 23, 2020.
Stop and start noticing a few things about yourself. Do you wake up each morning with a frown as many do? You have the choice to greet each day with a joyfully expectant smile or the nearest thing to it. Neptune's view of your future is far more optimistic than circumstances seem to suggest. Have a closer look at your circumstances. There is good reason to feel that way. It's important to not allow any troubling issues drag you down. Neptune is picking you up and ushering you into a new chapter of your life that will be full of wondrous developments. You haven't got a problem. You have an incredible opportunity.
If you really want to understand how much progress you are making, don't look at what's happening, look at what's not happening. If you currently feel uncomfortable about how things are going, you will soon begin to see how very blessed you have been. Neptune is sending you a burst of strong positive energy that will bring something you need. Where your life has been strained and stressful you will feel an easing of pressure. With an optimistic viewpoint, you will find the inspiration to win. A revelation is due to come over the next week that will have a powerful emotional impact. And it's one you'll be happy about.
People say and do the most ridiculous things. Sometimes, we can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing. You find yourself wondering how anything good can come out of a certain problematic situation you are dealing with. Look again. Beautiful diamonds lie buried in the dross. Neptune is guiding you toward a hidden advantage just waiting to be discovered. You'll wonder why you haven't noticed it before. A rather happy and lengthy interlude in your life is about to begin. Old obstacles are beginning to melt away. Coming events will prove extremely liberating and reassuring.
Certain difficulties are causing you a great deal of undue concern. Beware against fretting over them excessively. It's no easy feat beating what appear to be larger than life difficulties. When faced with trouble our belief in magic soon slips away. Yet within you there remains a divine spark that will connect you with the source of inspiration. There's so much that you need to know. As your personal power grows, your clarity will increase, and your sources of angst will diminish to the point that they become infinitesimal and insignificant. Neptune's influence will bring positive developments. It's going to be just what you're looking for.
Humility is a laudable virtue as long as it doesn't turn into self-deprecation. But then there are times when you become bolder than usual. You say and do things which, under normal circumstances, you might think twice about. With Neptune returning to direct motion you will feel more of the latter. You've done well in dealing with your challenges of late. If compliments haven't already started flowing your way, they soon will. Blush if you must, but you deserve to be applauded. Feel free to bask in the sunlight of praise. It'll help redress the imbalance and boost your self-esteem.
Neptune's influence is synching in nicely with some exceptional celestial developments. It's furnishing the impetus required to get you out of a tedious rut. Certain self-defeating assumptions that undermine your power and ability will be recognized and eliminated. Pay attention to your dreams for Neptune will convey some mysterious guidance. Allow yourself to relax as much as you can. Don't feel guilty if you appear idle. By adopting a more meditative and dreamy mood, you'll begin to formulate a winning strategy. It's because you're capable of so much that you need to think so hard about what's worth getting.
In light of the many auspicious celestial configurations beaming down on you, you are advised to distil your list of goals down to the most essential ones. Conditions are ideal for successfully nurturing a special dream. Neptune's return to direct motion is willing to grant your wishes. It all depends on your ability to put frustration to one side and make the right kind of approach. Choose what you want and go for it. Give it your best shot! The Universe is lighting a path toward the accomplishment of a cherished dream. You have a chance to shine like the star you are.
You so badly want to alter something in your life that you are tempted to get impatient about it. You will accomplish far more if you focus on a bright goal and not a dark fear. After all, you are well on your way to putting right what is so inadequate and insufficient in your life. You have set in motion a process that will bring great success. Your growing awareness and acknowledgement of a particularly thorny issue means you can start fixing it once and for all. Try not to push too hard now that Neptune has returned to direct motion. Use your diplomacy to the max. It's been a long time, but you will get there.
Circumstance never stands still. By the time we have worked out what's really going on in our world, it is no longer happening in quite the same way. There is an element of absurdity in an unsettled scenario. Something is ending, so that something better can begin. The lack of progress in what feels like a ridiculous situation is adversely affecting your peace of mind. But with Neptune slowly starting to move in direct motion and a structured application of your energy combined with a sense of humour, it is possible to beat the odds and pull off a miracle.
If you feel your emotions approaching a flash point, pause for a split second before opening your mouth and saying things you may later regret. You'll soon realize that there's a more effective way of influencing the situation. Any restriction you feel can be controlled. People whose lives are not restricted in any way, can go where they please and do almost anything. Yet, how often do they explore their imaginations? Many never leave their well-trodden paths. You now have a chance to be free from anything that is holding you back.
Leaping ahead in time to see what's around the next corner would be nice, but it would be much like trying to sneak a glimpse of the last chapter of a good book. Knowing too much of the future is not advisable. Think of all the things you would like to happen. Envisage all the changes you hope to see. Neptune's influence is encouraging you to slow down and savour the process in which you're engaged. You'll look back on it one day and realize that this time now was the start of a wonderful new phase in your life. Enjoy the 'now' and the future will take care of itself.
Life on this fair planet requires us to contend with endless causes of aggravation and only temporary escapes from the grind. There is a way to minimize the negative and maximize the positive. Neptune's influence will make you realize that you have more power over what is happening in your life that you realize. By adopting a mood of self-assurance, keeping an optimistic perspective and believing in a benevolent Universe — fortuitous developments will come to the rescue and clear away your difficulties. You will move further toward the light and feel a rosy glow of happiness as you draw closer.