Your horoscope for the week ahead: Mercury enters reflective Pisces allowing deep insights to flourish
Make a list of your hopes and dreams, and take advantage of the positive energy of the Spring Equinox

The arrival of the Spring Equinox, when day equals night, on Saturday March 20 will bring a vigorous flow of positive energy. This marks the Sun's entry into the action-sign of Aries and the official start of spring. From here on in we welcome the growth of light and warmth. This is a crucial moment in the Sun's annual journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Tap into the power of the golden light that illuminates your path to fulfilment.
Mercury leaves Aquarius and enters reflective Pisces on Monday, March 17. Spiritual insight will flourish for the next few weeks. The Sun on Tuesday and Venus on Thursday meet Pluto and expunge the heaviness of winter. The Moon will then meet up with mighty Mars, ruler of Aries, which will make you feel like you can climb Mt. Everest. Easy does it. Don't forget to sleep.
In the course of a day, thousands of thoughts pass through your mind. And it is these thoughts that create your future. To increase your personal power, get your mind off your problems. Starve them of attention. Instead, fix your thoughts on topics that inspire you. With a little practice, you'll be feeling upbeat and enthusiastic. Make a list of your hopes and dreams on Saturday.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, March 15, 2021.
You are torn, as never before, between two conflicting impulses or inclinations. These seem to be mutually exclusive. You must either proceed down one road or another. It's hard to know which to choose, but the Sun's entry into Aries will help you make the right choice. Be careful to not set yourself up for disappointment by demanding perfection. The solution to all your woes will not be accomplished in one fell swoop, but, rather, incrementally over time. Work with the options at your disposal and you'll find that you will lead you to where you need to be. You'll get the best of all possible worlds.
If you don't have enough time to do the things that make you happy, you simply have to make time for them. A quick retreat from the battle lines will bring the realization that you have become overwrought regarding a certain problem. It's time to redress the balance. Physical power is impressive. Mental power is more subtle. Those blessed with the intellectual equivalent of such strength tend to sit quietly solving problems. The Sun's entry into Aries will inspire a stroke of genius this week. Your desire to snatch an unexpected victory from the jaws of defeat is written in the stars.
Judging by the way the planets are currently lining up, you ought to be doing pretty well. You can expect some uplifting and inspiring developments to take place. Some of your greatest dreams will receive positive and constructive assistance thanks to the Sun entering Aries. You are about to realize that you are no longer inextricably tied to a dramatic event that occurred long ago. Where once you didn't like where things were leading, you will soon understand that, quite the contrary, you are onto a good thing. You have been exonerated from the karma of past mistakes. You are now free to go.
Time-sensitive challenges are putting you under strain. If you feel you've taken a few steps backwards lately, don't think of it as a bad omen. It simply marks a natural breathing-out period. The dark and light forces of life may briefly seem to lean toward the dark but a bubble of cosmic protection envelopes you. Fierce and furious faces can scowl at you, but they cannot harm you — unless you allow yourself to be intimidated by them. With the Sun moving into Aries, your intuitive source will soon provide a positive affirmation that all is well and moving along nicely. The current is steadily moving you toward a joyful destination.
An unfolding drama is weighing heavily on your shoulders. Times like this require light-heartedness and a jaunty sense of humour. That's easier said than done, but you're in luck. You may as well relax, because the Sun's entry into Aries is well-poised to bestow with great physical and mental drive. You will receive a booster shot of energy. It's exactly what you need to beat back your challenges. Some processes have a momentum all of their own. The best you can do is accept their inevitability and then attempt to moderate their outcome. Try this week to be both realistic and pragmatic and all will be fine.
You are wise, experienced and blessed with impressive maturity. So, rather than lowering the bar, you ought to raise it higher. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by a certain convoluted situation and its attendant difficulties and complications. The Sun's entry into Aries will produce a shift in your perception that will facilitate a huge boost to your personal power. You have the capacity to create a positive shift in your circumstances. Current tensions will help lay the foundation for future understanding and respect. If you continue to think high, happy thoughts, you can transcend all the difficulties you currently face.
Despite all the madness happening in the world, there is a sense that what is happening in your life, must happen. A cosmic intelligence is at work opening the way to a new world. For you as an individual the future has never looked better. The Sun's entry into Aries will help you focus less on the negative and more on the positive. You will succeed in capturing the good luck that is all around you. Given where you are, and what has happened so far, there is only one thing to do. Your best. Carry on as you are. You will make a big, effective difference to your situation. You are on the winning track.
It's good to say what's on your mind, but there are times when your recalcitrant spirit can land you in the doghouse. Some of your opinions have the potential to unleash unwelcome complications. You don't want to curl up in a ball of remorse on the sofa either because you feel physically exhausted or mentally drained. Luckily, you are currently blessed with an enhanced level of diplomatic skills. You will win with a minimum of effort. The Sun's entry into Aries will inspire you to persevere.
There is an adjustment to be made now. The Sun's entry into Aries is bringing you to the point where it is necessary to make a tricky choice. When settling into any new environment, no matter how healthy, there is always a wobbly moment. You look back and miss the familiarity of the old routines and habits. The change threatens to upset the equilibrium you've worked so hard to establish. It may seem impossible, but you will be amazed with how a constructive mental attitude on your part will work miracles. The right kind of change will occur effectively and naturally, and in the best possible way.
It may seem at times that certain burdensome responsibilities will never end. Do keep in mind that it's not up to you to single-handedly save the world and solve all its problems. Auspicious alignments are moving into place that will free you. What's sapping your energy is not the amount of work that needs to be done. It's the fear that nothing will ever change or improve. You suspect that as fast as you solve one problem, another will emerge. Don't worry about that. The Sun's entry into Aries will bestow gifts upon you as a reward for all your trials. A most pleasant and unexpected surprise will speed things along.
The dramas and developments now taking place in your world are really just a reflection of an inner struggle. Your personal inner guide is always there for you. It'll help you wherever and whenever it can. It's a blessing that will follow you for your entire life. It'll drop hints and quietly whisper clues in your ear. It's up to you to develop your intuitive faculties and learn to trust them. Silencing the mind chatter is the key. The Sun's entry into Aries will take you by the hand and show you the way. It's not as difficult as you might think. In fact, it's quite easy. And it will exponentially increase your ability to solve problems.
Relationships always require a bit of give and take. That's the general rule. A delicate balancing act is required even with the most reasonable of people. Pressure is driving you toward making a strident demand that could be construed as unreasonable. The Sun's entry in Aries is advising that you have all the charm and charisma needed to be at your most persuasive. All you want is an honest answer to a fair question. There's no need to play around with ifs and buts and maybes. Neither of you have to give away too much detail, but you both have a piece of news that you ought really to be sharing.