Your horoscope for the week ahead: Mars in Gemini will ease tension and a New Moon will bring new beginnings
A confluence of several calming celestial events is here

There has been an easing of pressure since Mars entered Gemini last week. He is no longer forming caustic alignments to the conglomeration of planets in Aquarius. The planets are shifting into Pisces. So, this week is looking good. A confluence of several calming celestial events is helping.
We have crossed through the crucial Last Quarter Moon and are on the home stretch to the New Moon in Pisces on Saturday. New Moons bring new beginnings. What seems wrong now will soon be put right. Align your life with the rhythm of the Moon. A benevolent source deep within is guiding you to peace and happiness.
Mercury is heading out toward the Sun again after having recently completed his three-week retrograde cycle. If you're lucky you'll spot him low in the morning twilight. He's an elusive character. He has your hopes and dreams loaded up in his merchant ship. Keep in touch with him. The Master of Strategy is connecting you to success.
Venus is currently lost in the glare of the Sun but it won't be long before we have her back after sunset as an evening star.
The New Moon in Pisces is shifting us into springtime joy. The birds are singing their cheerful melodies as the Spring Equinox approaches. Clocks spring forward on Sunday, March 14.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, March 8, 2021.
Something in your life has been wrong for a while. It has taken away your strength and caused you to cope with a series of challenges to your patience. This week brings you a much-needed chance to identify and address the source of all this. Then it can be corrected. And then you can start playing a more positive role in the lives of those you care for so much. The New Moon will awaken something you would really like to do. Something in which you would like to become proficient. Think in terms of doing things incrementally one step at a time and you'll find that constructive progress will steadily move you ahead to success.
Success is a question of creating opportunity. It may not exist where you think that it ought to, but it is looking for you and it will find you. The New Moon will get you thinking about how you share similar goals with a certain special someone. There are some fundamental variations concerning the process that must be followed to get there. Make sure that your values are not allowed to suffer. Don't let haste and a perceived sense of urgency force you into making a decision that requires more reflection. Always go where your heart is leading you, not where others want you to go.
Pressures have hampered your ability to maintain faith in a big and all-important dream, but the tide is now changing in your favour. Something has effectively been shrouding a part of your life in a veil of mystery in a way that a curtain drops on a stage in order to allow a scene change. As the curtain draws back up, you'll be delighted by what you see. Conditions will be right for something wonderful to happen. The perfect ingredients are available. The New Moon will make it clear that conditions are right now for something wonderful to cross your path. You have every reason to expect success.
What recently caused you so much concern is no longer applicable now that certain events have rendered an old problem irrelevant. It only goes to show how quickly things can change. You had to be firm and fair. Nothing lasts forever. Not even problems! Thankfully! Despite any foreboding sentiments, you are now on a direct road to success. The New Moon is letting you know that you have every reason to feel blissful and secure about your future. Your path through life does not have to be so stressful. You can afford to relax a little to be more trusting. There's love, hope and magic on its way to you this week.
You haven't yet come anywhere close to the peak of your potential, but that will come in due course. You have crossed the threshold into an important new chapter in your life. You are working toward what you were really meant to accomplish in this lifetime. The key to success involves making the most of whatever you have available. You are coming to terms with an unfulfilled desire. Avoid seeing yourself as thwarted. There are alternative options at your disposal. It requires more effort and ingenuity. The New Moon is opening the door to a new perception of who you are and what you are capable of.
If in doubt as to what to do — do nothing; because in doing something, you may do the wrong thing. A strong tide is carrying you in the direction you need to go. The clarity of action you seek will come. Be ready to embrace the unexpected. You have more friends and allies than you realize. You can count on them to help you out. They will give you positive viewpoints. Just make sure you don't rush into anything. Yes, there's a mess that needs to be sifted through, sorted and set right, but as long as you are calm about it, you'll be fine. The New Moon will put you on a path that will lead to a major success.
Worry has a way of insidiously undermining our ability to achieve success. Don't be afraid of your future, embrace it. And you'll soon start feeling grateful for everything that's happening in your world. Although a certain situation is far from perfect, fretting and working yourself into a state will only make it worse. The New Moon will make it clear that incredible things are possible in your life. But only one truly incredible thing is worth aiming for. You are on the threshold of a great achievement as long as you keep your sense of humour. Worry less. Count your blessings. And success will seek you out!
Failures and disappointments bring tectonic shifts in our lives. When we respond to them with a bold, determined attitude, they turn into positive turning points. The benevolent source that protects and guides us sometimes has to give us a hard shove in order to get us on the right path. A recent push has forced you to utilize your creativity and resourcefulness. Something has gone surprisingly well. You do not fully understand why but then, what does it matter. If the results are good, that's what counts. The New Moon will make it clear that an unhappy situation is turning into a story of success.
Don't give up hope concerning a rather daunting romantic entanglement. There will soon be plenty to celebrate. You are starting to get satisfactory answers to all your questions. Its joyful influence is already casting the glow of a soft light where all was dark. You will gain reassurance, comfort, inspiration and proof that there's more love in your life than you realized. You are being guided toward the fulfilment of a long-held desire. Warmth and love are destined to grace your life. The New Moon will emphasize all the good alignments that are bringing you blessings. What's happening now is joyous, magical and special.
You are a patient and tolerant person. You rarely take umbrage at transgressions made against you. Well, usually — something that's taken place recently might prove to be the exception. Someone's exasperating behaviour is pushing the envelope a little too far. Despite all your efforts to improve the situation, you keep encountering different difficulties. It's time to draw a line in the sand and stand up for what's important to you. That will bring you the freedom and happiness you so ardently seek. The New Moon heralds a positive chance to be a relaxed, easy-going individual with an endless supply of humour and patience.
If you want to avoid an unnecessarily fraught week, keep away from the subjects and topics you find most agitating. Take the path of least resistance. Enjoy life. The time has come to receive a reward for the courage you have demonstrated. A shift in your spiritual awareness is taking place that will turn the tide of events firmly in your favour in a matter of utmost importance. The New Moon will bring reassuring news that will warm your heart and boost your hope, courage and determination. You won't regret the choice you are about to make. You deserve the best after what you've been through.
You're tired of having to sit on the fence and tolerate a situation that is creating so much angst. It's a situation that would infuriate other people. They wouldn't put up with half of what you do. But the worst is over concerning this trouble plagued area of your life. Your inner source of wisdom is guiding you out of harm's way as it has on many other occasions without your knowledge. The New Moon will give you a sense of optimism that things are improving, which they are. That's why it is vitally important to appreciate all the good fortune that's coming your way. Doing so will attract more good fortune.