Your horoscope for the week ahead: A highly auspicious Mercury-Jupiter alignment will bring many opportunities
Plus, deep insights and enhanced communication will help you heal rifts with people you care about

Last Saturday's Full Moon gave us a healthy burst of proactive force to get us fired up and ready for action this week. The Sun in the mutable sign of Pisces is providing hope of renewal that will counter the nostalgia and greyness that you may have been enduring. A dynamic and concentrated mix of celestial activity is in store in the next few days as we head for the Last Quarter Moon on Friday
This is going to be an interesting week. The predominance of Pisces energy will help you get some quality insights into what is going on under the surface. Pay attention to your dreams. The veil between the material world and the spiritual is thin.
Clarity will come with Mars entering logical Gemini on Wednesday. This will enhance negotiations and communications.
A key alignment this week involves Mercury, the Master of Strategy, and Jupiter, the Opener of the Way. Since Mercury returned to direction motion on February 20, he has been gathering speed and catching up with wise Jupiter. On Thursday they meet up at last and beam down some positive ideas and notions. Reasons to be happy and hopeful are abundant. Mercury and Jupiter will be busy rounding up opportunities for you.
With this kind of celestial fire power swirling around, you have a chance to clear up emotional misunderstandings with people with whom you have a close bond. Deep and inspiring insights will have a profound and transformative effect on you.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, March 1, 2021.
As far as a certain troublesome situation goes, the sky indicates that, unbeknownst to you, a positive change is working its magic. You have the emotional resources and endurance to conquer any challenge. Get moving with a novel idea and see what it can do. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment speaks of a change on which there can be no going back. The only thing you can possibly do under the current decisive climate is to be decisive. Put your money and your heart where your mouth is. Dive into things wholeheartedly and you'll be fine. You have the emotional resources and endurance to conquer any challenge.
There's nothing inherently wrong with a certain goal you are pursuing. Your attitude, however, needs a little fine tuning. That's where the Mercury-Jupiter alignment will play a role. An idea will be magnified by the irrepressible optimism of Jupiter. This will inspire you with a clever amendment to your strategy that will bring an almost immediate improvement. You have every astrological advantage you could require. There's no reason to fear failure or disappointment. You may not get everything you ever wanted yet, nonetheless, the progress you do make will more than satisfy you.
Prepare, this week, to encounter a piece of information that makes you think twice. It represents a whole new explanation for a recent development that may not have been good at first glance, but give it all a little time and you will realize its positive potential. You are in line to benefit enormously from what happened. The power to radically adjust a certain aspect of your life where improvement is desired will soon be available. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment will give you an extra boost of confidence to get you over the top and acquire your object of desire. For all that's now so shaky, one key factor is very strong and very right.
To make the most of the future, you must stop clinging so tightly to certain elements of the past. Think less and trust your instincts. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment will put you in touch with an intangible, but positive and real spiritual force that will take you by the hand and lead you to a wonderful destination. Keep your faith in an old dream for it's still alive. There is good cause now to be inspired by realistic and justified hope. This week will put you in charge of a process of doing something special. You will feel inspired and full of enthusiasm. Think carefully before you speak while sticking bravely with what you believe to be right.
Your exasperation and exhaustion concerning a certain person's inability to synchronize their plans with you is fully justified. Over-indulging in powerful negative feelings, however, is ultimately counterproductive. Stay clear of the negative. Embrace the positive. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment will bring a moment of inspiration and great joy. It will make you very powerful and charismatic, yet also very sensitive. A way will be found to convert your discontent into positive and constructive action. An inner tide of emotion is rising, and an inner light of understanding is on the increase.
Incredible things are possible in your life. Don't be afraid of your future, instead embrace it. There is such a thing as being too conscious of one's own faults. It weakens our ability to deal with a world that is so often big and mean. Get your mind off your shortcomings and focus on how to protect your own interests, especially now with the Mercury-Jupiter alignment beaming so auspiciously on you. You will receive some lucid and penetrating insights into a particular course of action that needs to be taken. You'll soon start feeling grateful for certain things that are happening in your world.
Something has to change. A new element needs to be introduced into a stale situation. You have a plan or an idea that you feel will help to make this happen swiftly and constructively. You feel, though, that there is a resistance, somewhere, to the process of innovation. Other people are not so sure that it is necessary. Their doubts are feeding your doubts. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment will inspire you with a plan that will take you bravely in a different direction and inspire your doubters as well. You are close to transforming a small and improbable hope into the greatest turning point you've ever encountered in your life.
Errors of judgment teach us vital lessons. They can be painful, but it is through them that we grow in every way. A certain past miscalculation has turned into an opportunity so big that it will more than make up for all the grief you've had to endure. Getting control of your thoughts is the prerequisite to pulling it all together. It is essential to see the silver lining. Something has gone surprisingly well. You do not fully understand why, but the splendid Mercury-Jupiter alignment will give you reassurance, comfort, inspiration and proof that you are on the right track.
Despite all your efforts to improve a problematic situation, you keep encountering various difficulties. If you are to get to where you want to be, you need to use a good sense of timing in a judicious manner. Weaving relaxation and meditation into your daily schedule will help. It will make the Mercury-Jupiter union more effective. The litany of challenges you normally face will be batted away with greater ease. All you've been through has made you stronger and more powerful. Celestial forces will intervene on your behalf and energize your cause. Huge strides will be made toward the realization of a big dream.
You've dealt with so many challenges to get to where you are, you're wondering if you'll ever slough off this "mortal coil," to use Shakespeare's words. Well, there's a change coming in this great year ahead; and just to clarify, we're talking positive change. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment presages the growth of confidence, wisdom and strength. Although you may not believe it, you are doing everything in the best possible manner, ensuring the best possible outcome. You will be given an endless supply of humour and patience. It may seem improbable, but you will be pleasantly surprised.
All your life, you've been ruled by the limiting dictates of practical considerations. They have prevented you from following your creative impulses and desires. But now, a very rare kind of week brings a turning point. You have a unique opportunity to put your heart, soul and mind into something you've always wanted to do. You will be playing by a new set of rules that will allow you to follow your heart and get on with fulfilling your creative potential. Intense emotions are being stirred up by the Mercury-Jupiter alignment. The time has come to fulfil your true destiny.
Dare to be different this week. Give in to the urge to be outspoken and revolutionary. You have an opportunity now, to rewrite a set of rules. A dream that you wish to achieve is perfectly feasible. Don't listen to any negative stream of thought that tells you otherwise. The Mercury-Jupiter alignment will erase the fear of negative outcomes. An easy way will be found to overcome your current concern. A little rest from the fray will do wonders. Fresh air and nature will rejuvenate your spirit. It will give your intuitive source a chance to get through to you with a win-win strategy.