MPI releases top 5 worst Winnipeg intersections for crashes
Leila Avenue and McPhillips Street the No. 1 worst spot for crashes, Manitoba Public Insurance says
Manitoba Public Insurance has named the top five worst intersections for crashes over the past 10 years, and it appears not much has changed over time for the trouble spots.
The number 1 intersection for crashes was Leila Avenue and McPhillips Street.
From 2005 to 2014, more than 2,300 collisions happened at the intersection.
The other intersections on the list are:
- Kenaston Boulevard at McGillivray Boulevard with 2,298;
- Kenaston at Grant Avenue with 1,747;
- Lagimodiere Boulevard at Regent Avenue with 1,700; and
- Bishop Grandin Boulevard at St. Mary's Road with 1,556.
Some of those intersections, including the worst spot at Leila and McPhillips, have long-running issues. They also made the list of worst spots in an analysis of crashes from 2005 to 2009.
Now MPI, the City of Winnipeg, CAA Manitoba and the Winnipeg Police Service are launching a two-year pilot program to "enhance motorists' awareness" at the high-collision intersections.
The program kicked off on Thursday and will include signs and police enforcement at three of the five spots: Kenaston at McGillivray, Bishop Grandin at St. Mary's and Leila at McPhillips.
More than 50 per cent of the crashes at those intersections were rear-end collisions, MPI said.
In many cases, the crashes could have been prevented if drivers entered with caution, followed less closely or drove to road conditions, MPI said.
MPI says it will spend $500,000 during the first year of the project for special enforcement - police cars - at Kenaston/McGillivray and Bishop Grandin/St. Mary's.
Staff Sgt. Rob Riffel said the results will speak for themselves.
"There would be a myriad of tickets I would think. There would be [infractions such as] following too close, probably cell phone/distracted driving tickets, imprudent driving, speeds in excess of the conditions, red-light tickets, speeding. All of those types of offences, I would imagine, we will be issuing at these intersections when people don't heed the signs."
He said the enforcement will be visible.
"We plan to put marked cruiser cars there. We want to have a visible presence."