Get ready for our live Q&A with Donna Morrissey with the CBC NL Virtual Book Club

The CBC NL Virtual Book Club is hosting its first author Q&A session April 19.
Wrapping up our reading of Kit's Law, we'll be hosting author Donna Morrissey as she takes your questions.
Plus, we'll have some copies of Kit's Law to giveaway to some lucky participants.
Donna Morrissey will be answering questions live April 19 starting at 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. NT, so be sure to come back then.
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Virtual Book Club
The CBC NL Virtual Book Club requires no membership, all you have to do is be keen to read more books from the province's authors and chat about it.
We'll host a virtual book club meeting over at every two weeks, where we'll chat about the book we're reading.
Maybe it's an old favourite, or a new one — we want to hear what you have to say.
Do you have suggestions for our next book? Send them in.