Man with bionic penis flooded with date requests

If you're having trouble landing yourself a date, forget Tinder. Save up and get yourself some state-of-the-art bionic genitals and you'll be the cock of the walk. Pun intended and underlined.That's what Mohammed Abad of Edinburgh did and he's being flooded with women eager to experience, well, cyborg sex with him.
Sadly, Mohammed suffered a horrific childhood accident which robbed him of both his male member and his left testicle. At just six years old he was dragged over 600 feet beneath a car leaving him permanently maimed. I'll wait while you shudder. Poor little guy.
Despite a marriage, which ended last year, Mohammed stayed a virgin. Everything changed, however, when science came to the rescue and he was fitted with an 8-inch Titan Touch Penile Prosthesis (actual name). Since then, Mohammed's love life has been picking up. Though things didn't work out with his wife, he officially lost his virginity when he tried out his shiny new power penis with sex worker, Charlotte Rose.
Mohammed admits he was glad to trade the "virgin stigma" with the far less common "8-inch mechanical super penis stigma". Holy upgrade! That's like going from a sprained ankle to bionic legs made of gold that somehow also make you really good at sex.
Now women are sending him tons of flirty messages requesting a spin on his space schmeckel, which works like this: two tubes along the side of the apparatus fill with water once Mo presses a button next to his testicles. He says women "are very intrigued and think I can make love for hours." Mo says he's happy with his mechanical member but looks forward to the release of the iPenis 8 which apparently has way better bluetooth technology and two cameras. BTW that doesn't exist so don't Google it. But the Titan Touch sure does. Maybe don't Google that either unless you like genital surgery pics. And who doesn't!
Now that he's whole and back on the market, Mohammed was candid about his type: "I don't care what she looks like, she could be tall, short, thin or fat. I prefer personality to looks". Ironically, he doesn't have time to put his prosthetic penis through it's paces and pleasure all the, umm, early adopters. He's too tired and busy working 14 hour shifts as a security guard. Cue Bonnie Tyler's "I Need A Hero", right? Fresh from the fight and larger than life. Check. And check.
Get some rest Mohammed. You're going to need it. Because the world needs you.
Sturdy tip of the helmet to Mohammed. And yay science!