From the bedsheets to the spreadsheets, more sex could get you that promotion

Your boss may start hoping you got some last night. And not in a "call HR immediately" kind of way.
New research published in the Journal of Management showed that people who had sex the night before enjoyed a much more productive work day. It also showed that managerial types really will stop at nothing to get more out of their employees, and business school is far more interesting than I'd long presumed.
The study, conducted in part at Oregon State University, had married couples jot down their sexual activity and subsequent work satisfaction in a daily diary. What quickly became clear was that sexual activity the previous night translated to increased day-long work satisfaction and productivity. Engagement at work went up in direct correlation to having amorous congress the night before.
What's more, marital satisfaction didn't skew the numbers. Conjugal bliss had no bearing on work boosting effects of making whoopee. Some studies have shown regular sex to increase marital happiness and connection even when the couple was previously unhappy. Couples who are open to more sex report being happier at home and now, at work.
The positive effect of increased productivity could have to do with the other happy side effects of coitus. Also, sorry I said coitus. But the myriad benefits of sex are well known. From better immune system function, to more restful sleep, to increased libido. Yes, the more you have sex, the more you want sex, the more you have sex, the better you work. It even makes us manage stress better.
Interestingly, the recent study also showed a negative correlation between high levels of work stress and career dissatisfaction during the day and the likelihood of having intercourse at home that night. People who had a rough day in the trenches at work were not up for sexy times in the evening. So this whole work/sex thing is a bit of an ouroboros (or a snake eating its own tail if you missed that class at nerd academy). But the study is not the first of its kind to prove the correlation between affectionate contact and getting sh*t done. Even just cuddling is beneficial. Hooray for hugs.
It could be because intercourse, the Cadillac of hugs, increases general well-being. Secondary benefits aside, sex just plain makes us happy. One study even showed that sex once a week makes you about as happy as an additional $50,000 in annual income would. So regular sex makes us about as happy as a mega raise while making us happier and more engaged while doing our job.
The takeaway here, that we'd do well to add to our collective sex IQ, is this: extra-curricular hustle in the bedroom could very well boost your chances of killing it in the boardroom. Even if you don't get that raise, it'll feel like you did. Now, back to work.