6 boxing moves to add to your workout routine

Watch Brent and our hosts demonstrate all of these exercises in today's full episode!
Andrea's trainer, Brent Bishop of Think Fitness Studios, visited the set today to help the hosts work on their fitness. "Boxing is one of the best exercises to blast fat and get results," Bishop noted.
To up the sweat factor in your workouts, here are six moves that you can do at home or at the gym.
The jab:
Stand with your left foot forward, knees slightly bent. Pull your closed fists up to your face (sparring position), then push out your right fist with the top of your hand pointing up. Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. The jab helps to tone your triceps.
The hook punch:
From the jab position, move to your rear hand (your left), and come around in a semi-circle motion, across your upper body. Use your core and hips to twist while you punch. Then return to starting position.
The torso cross punch:
Take a seat, with your legs out in front of you, knees bent, heels gently on the floor. With you chest high and your shoulders back, put your hands up in sparring position, and rotate side-to-side as you punch, keeping your back flat and twisting at the waist. For extra core work, lift your heels off the ground an inch or two. Expect to feel a little bit of an ab burn, that means it's working!
The front kick:
Back in standing position, put both hands up in front of your face, with you right hand and foot forward from your left, just past shoulder-width apart. With your knees slightly bent, twist at your torso and bring your left foot forward, knee at hip height, and kick your foot out in front of you with a quick, control snap.
The cross punch/squat move:
Start with your feet just past hip distance apart, with your toes pointing forward and your hands in sparring position. Jab and hook punch in front of your torso (one, two), adding a squat to almost a seated position at the end.
The jab/cross/knee combo:
Combine the jab, cross torso punch and then raise the left knee while you bring your arms down to mimic an ab crunch.
Will you be adding boxing moves to add into your workout? Tell us on our Facebook page.