Grocery store decor: A simple way to source your Thanksgiving table
All the items you need from a place you’ll be headed to anyways

Thanksgiving is just days away, but if you don't have anything to dress your table yet, don't fret. Chances are you'll be heading to your local market this weekend, and it's actually the perfect place to source everything you need for a pretty placesetting. From the produce section to the frozen aisles, The Goods has a tablescape that will allow you to pull together items from your local grocery store.
Here's how to dress your table in a few quick and easy steps:
Before you go
Set the table ahead of time and put out all the dishes you'll need. This way you'll know what you need before heading to the grocery store.
Keep it casual – gone are the days where everything has to match and be perfect. Have fun with your holiday table!
Start in the produce aisle

The easiest way to make a table feel full is to create a centrepiece that runs down most of the table. You can build a simple and beautiful garland using grocery store items. Using greenery and some fruits and veggies are a great way to add seasonal accents and a pop of colour to any festive table.
What you'll need:
- Greenery
- Twist ties
- Fruits and veggies
1. Tie the greenery together with your twist ties.
2. Lay it out on the table.
3. Fill in any gaps.
4. Place fruits and veggies sporadically throughout.
Hit the frozen section

You can add personality to your table without the need for store-bought decor and accents. Small personal touches warm up a table almost instantly. This cranberry and rosemary stir stick is a perfect little project even if you're short on time – you could even put your family to work making them and then have them place one in each champagne glass!
What you'll need:
- Frozen cranberries
- Cocktail pick or skewer (Steven used rosemary as a skewer)
1. Thaw the cranberries and remove any excess water.
2. Remove half of the rosemary from the stock.
3. Spear each cranberry with the rosemary.
4. Place 4-5 cranberries on the end of the rosemary.
5. Place it in a glass for a festive accent!
Onto the next aisle

You don't need fancy placemats for a gorgeous table. In fact, these placemats are made from parchment paper and have riddles on them to keep your guests entertained. And the best part – you don't have to wash them when dinner is over!
What you'll need:
- Parchment paper
- Marker
1. Using the parchment paper, cut a size big enough for a placemat.
2. Write out a riddle on one side.
3. Place a small piece of parchment paper over the answer.
What goes up and doesn't come down? (your age)
What do you call a sad cranberry? (A blueberry)
What is the only country whose name begins with the following letters Y,O,Q (Yemen, Oman, Qatar)
What three fruit are spelled out here? PEARACMPEOHLEN (lemon, peach, pear)
Make your way to the cereal aisle

Create place cards and give your guests a sweet treat with maple syrup bottles and paper name tags.
What you'll need:
- Paper
- Glass maple syrup bottles (one per person)
- Ribbon or string
1. Using a colour of paper that works with you decor, create a name tag for each guest.
2. Tie the name tag to a bottle of maple syrup and use as a festive placecard at each place setting.
Homewares before you head out

Hit up the homewares section for linen or cotton napkins or a table runner. For a more impressive flourish with dip-dyed fabric, click here for instructions!

Resource guide:
- Caned Chairs
- Plates
- Cutlery
- Bench
- Food
- Table