The Goods

DIY your own fire art

This incredible fire art piece is created with a few simple ingredients, but will yield big impact when it comes to ramping up your space.

This incredible fire art piece is created with a few simple ingredients, but will yield big impact when it comes to ramping up your space. 

Here's what you'll need:

  • Picture frame
  • Alcohol ink [avail at craft store]
  • 90-95% rubbing alcohol
  • BBQ lighter

Here's how to do it:

  1. Remove glass from frame. The glass is your working surface.
  2. Drizzle alcohol ink in interesting patterns on frame in a few different colours
  3. Drop a few drops of alcohol on glass using an eye dropper.
  4. Using bbq lighter, light alcohol on fire. Wait for alcohol to burn off. Allow to dry for 24 hours before reassembling picture frame.