Send in the clowns: 3 takes on the this Halloween's funny, flirty makeup trend
Why be evil when you can be fashion?

The clown figure originated in ancient European theatre, often bringing both laughs and truth - made easier to swallow with the sugar coating of lightheartedness. Centuries later, modern circus clowns delighted children of all ages, while the evil clown was born to pop culture as Stephen King's It played on coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) and the general undermining of anything safe and innocent. Given that the world is scary enough these days, allow us to present: the fashion clown.
For your Halloween costume consideration, three takes on this big Halloween 2018 trend by our resident makeup artists, onlinekyne and Julia Dantas. One's fierce, the other perfect for you and a friend. Both serve up art and styling worthy of the rich history and tradition of the clown character and performer, and are actually easy to achieve with these pro steps and tips. Have a Happy Halloween (actually) with these fun, funny, fashion looks.