7 stylish and cuddle-worthy sweaters for him

The autumn months bring aggressive bundling as surely as they bring pumpkin-spiced everything. People begin to bedrape and swaddle themselves as they brace for winter. Lots of other traditions get the job done too: cuffing, hearty soups, cozying up to drink hot bevies by the fire, crying, planning a trip to a non-glacial circle of hell where light still exists.
Crying and escaping hell dimensions aside, all of the above are things Canadians associate with the onset of our colder months. But there's a uniquely Danish concept called Hygge that invokes comfort, love, family, nesting and cuddling all at once. We have no word for it. But sweater might do in a pinch, at least conceptually. The layering on of fall fashion is one of the few perks of our unforgiving seasonal shifts. And a flattering fall sweater is the best place to start to get your head and heart right. Plus, they really up your cozy cuddle game with the significant other.
Don't have an SO, you say? You just might once you've been wearing these infallible fall sweaters for awhile:

Often touted as a favourite of fisherman for it's iconic wavy-weave-on-a-wavy-weave pattern that kept seafarers warm and dry, this definitive fall sweater never goes out of style. The weave was said to bring luck, represent a full basket of fish and even denote clans. Not sure of your clan? You're with the O'Cozys of County Cuddleton. And you'll be catching plenty of looks in this masculine classic.

I have one I affectionately call my grandma sweater and the long line is on point this fall. Bonus: it's the most comfortable fall item I own. Don't sweat the knick name. If your GF can wear your jeans and your hoodie, you can bloody well throw on one of nana's cardigans when it gets nippy out. And you'll be highly huggable. Trust me, grandma knows best. It's also great for keeping tissues up your sleeve.
The Turtleneck Sweater

Turtlenecks were just beginning to crawl out of their storage bin oubliettes last year when Drake officially yanked them back into the light by the collar. Warm, cozy and available in a variety of knits and colours you can't go wrong with one of these in your fall rotation. It doesn't matter if the one you rock is mock or sincere, turtlenecks are back. Note: She will call you on your cellphone. For autumn hugs.

If you're looking for fall comfort but could do without the bulky commitment of wearing a sweater designed for day hikes or a skipjack tuna haul, a thin-weave cardigan is the way to go. This flowy, streamlined variation of the classic is perfect for work, great under a coat on a milder day and will still get you beaucoup cuddle points. Plus, you won't have to worry if you buttoned it up wrong.

A crewneck sweater screams masculinity. Pair it with a denim or leather jacket and you're practically an action hero. Not that action heroes can't also be heroines (I'm looking at you Imperator Furiosa). But the truth is, this look is as butch as it is cozy. It's also well-liked by humans who like them some man candy. BTW, Donegal is Irish for "leave in the colour specks, it adds character, me boyo!" It does. She'll notice.

Once a hallmark of the academic, the shawl cardigan is now officially for everyone. The side pockets and high neck don't just project a sexy professorial style (emphasis on the sexy), they're practical. Cold hands and a drafty nape get the strap. You can even wear a heavier one over a jacket on a cool, dry day like it's a coat. It's hot, it's cool, it'll make you look at least three books smarter than you are and she may even start calling you Dr. Jones. Or Indy - depending on horizontal positioning.

There is a reason why she always wants to steal yours. Because it's oversized, informal and comfortable AF. For those same reasons, she'll want to cuddle up to you while you're in it. Easily parable with any jacket, you'll get tons of mileage from this dressed-down classic. It has a built in emergency "hat" for rainy fall days, extreme cocooning or re-enacting scenes from 8 Mile. You need one in your autumn arsenal. Get yours a little oversized and you guys can take turns hugging each other in it.
Ultimately, there's only one immutable rule of fall fashion up here: be cozy. Whether your aesthetic is classic, conservative or contemporary, one or all of these sweaters is going to get you serious style points while upping your chances of being squeezed like a ripe melon. Or pumpkin, in keeping with the season. Spice optional.
Marc Beaulieu is a writer and host of the live Q&A show guy Q LIVE @AskMen