Inside the home of Real Toronto Housewife (and soon to be Drake neighbor) Ann Kaplan
And her advice on buying your first house

When we asked Real Housewives of Toronto star Ann Kaplan what her favourite thing about her new multi-million dollar home in Toronto's Bridle Path was, she said, "Where do I start? The French chalet look? The apple orchard? The fact that I can lose my husband for ten minutes and grab quiet time (before he finds me)?"

He's one of the top plastic surgeons in Toronto and she's a self-made business woman - the CEO of iFinance Canada Inc., with a sweet portfolio of luxury real estate properties across Canada. It's a full house to say the least, with Ann and Stephen, their two children together, two of Ann's children, two of Stephen's children and two children born to Ann's sister, who sadly passed away.
The family just moved into the house that is three (very fancy) doors down from Drake's new Toronto mansion, currently still being built. The land alone cost the man with the most consecutive hits on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart $6ix.7 million. Ann said, "I looked at the property Drake's building on and I couldn't envision what he's built... his is a little bigger and he's got a basketball court and he's a little closer to the street."
Gordon Lightfoot is kitty-corner, Conrad Black is across the road and Shane Baghai is next door. That should be an interesting block party.

"It was so important to have a home where the kids could entertain," Ann says. The massive swimming pool and private tennis court should solve that. Ann's pretty kooky, down-to-earth and fun herself. "The house is so elegant, detailed and refined yet feels like a home – it is livable and full of love."

"The fact we have an apple orchard, with great apples, is a bonus – I have actually been making apple pies."

Because we also wouldn't mind making apple pies from our own orchard, we asked the wife and mom with the really awesome house what her best advice would be for women - single or married, with or without children - on saving for and buying a first home:
"Now, with the mortgage rates low and opportunities still there (first time buyer incentives), if cost is an issue, bite the 'privacy bullet' and purchase where you can: rent out a room or suite in your new home to help cover the mortgage – do anything to get your foot in the door as a first time buyer. Remember, there is little-to-no capital gains tax when you have lived in the home. Get the "starter" and, as you start to afford more, sell up."

When asked what Ann would wear to Drake's imaginary housewarming block party, she said, "I think I'd wear something that looks like a cell phone."