DIY a safe and magical home for all of your rings
Make this unicorn horn holder great for gifting and for keeps.

This might just be the cutest DIY I've ever made! This enchanting spin on a ring cone is fun for all ages and will give those special rings of yours a safe and magical home. I recommend making a bunch of these for all your unicorn-loving friends.

Here's what you'll need:
- 1 kg white air dry modelling clay
- Knife
- Small bowl of water
- Nail file
- Clear acrylic sealer — I used Mod Podge Super Hi-Shine Spray
For paint bottom:
- Silver spray paint
- Small square of parchment paper
- Paintbrush
For glitter bottom:
- 2 tbsp white glue
- 2 tbsp fine glitter of your choice — I used silver, purple and gold
- Paintbrush

Here's how to do it:
1. Begin by cutting off a 1-inch block from your clay. Now cut two pieces of clay from that piece, approximately 1" x 1". Roll each piece into balls in the palm of your hands.

2. Now roll each ball into a worm-like shape, placing more pressure on one end to form a point and keep the other end thicker, forming an elongated cone.

3. Take both pieces of your clay and pinch the pointed ends together. Now twist both shapes into each other. Join the pieces together by smoothing out the bottom with your fingers. Press the bottom onto a flat surface and shape so your horn will stand up straight.

4. Dab your fingers into your bowl of water and smooth out your horn by rubbing it gently. Your clay will dry out fairly fast so for best results, work quickly. Let dry for 24 hours.

5. Sand your horn. I like to use a nail file because I can manoeuvre around the shape really well and get into all the nooks. Wipe off dust with a cloth.

6. I like to add a bit of colour and or glitter to the bottoms of my horns. This adds a magical element, which is also fun for kids. For the silver version, I used spray paint. Spray a little onto some parchment paper and paint onto the bottom of the horn with your brush. Alway use spray paint in a well ventilated area, away from kids.

7. For the glitter version, paint some white glue onto the bottom of your horn, then sprinkle your glitter on. This step is fun for kids to do. Shake off excess and let dry for a couple of hours.

8. Now it's time to add a high gloss coat to your horn. For this step I used Mod Podge Super Hi-Shine spray. Shake can well and spray lightly covering your horn completely. Let dry for 10 minutes and repeat one more time and let dry. Always use in a well-ventilated area.
9. Now your favourite rings have a magical home! These make great gifts and look enchanting on any dresser or nightstand.

Lady Hayes is a designer, photographer and mama, known for her beautiful floral inspired projects and lifestyle. Her love of flowers shines through her couture crafted Flower Crowns and Petal Pop, her line of Floral Confetti with sun dried roses and gold confetti glitter. Stay connected! Visit Hayes over on her Instagram or visit her website to shop and say hi!