3 DIY ways to display your beloved childhood stuffed animals
Time to let them shine again!

Grab your scissors and your favourite stuffed animal, it's time to give them a new life!
I've had a box of stuffed animals at my mum and dad's home for over 20 years. Finally my mum said, "Okay, OK! Your storage unit lease is up! Haha!" After digging through the box, I started thinking about creative things I could do with these cute stuffed animals I'd spent hours cuddling as a child. I couldn't possibly throw them all away! So with that, here are some creative ways I've come up with to help you display your stuffys that I think you'll love. The upside to the eviction of my old stuff is that my kids really love having these hanging in their own rooms. It's so awesome to have my favourites enjoyed again.
Taxidermy Stuffy
Here's what you'll need:
- A favourite stuffed animal (that you're willing to cut in half!)
- Scissors
- 2 wooden plaques
- Craft paint
- Paint sponge
- 1 pack of Velcro sticky back squares
- 12 x 12 inch piece cardboard — I used an old pizza box.
- Hot glue gun

Here's how to do it:
1. Let's begin by painting our plaques. Put one coat of craft paint onto the wooden plaques and let dry.

2. Take your scissors and a deep breath. It's time to cut your childhood memories in half. I know it sounds cruel, like… how could you do that? But let's be honest, it might be sitting forgotten in a box when it could be making a cute statement in your kid's room. Make a small snip in the fur of your stuffy and then cut around the centre of its torso. Pull the two pieces apart and separate the stuffing, gently placing it back into each half as you pull the pieces apart.

3. Place the cut end of your stuffy onto the cardboard and trace around the cut half. Repeat with the other half. Now cut the shape out of the cardboard. Place the cardboard into the cut halves and pull the fur over the edges. Use a hot glue gun to secure into place.

4. Now it's time to secure the stuffy onto the plaque. Put 3-4 Velcro sticky back squares onto the backs of your stuffy halves, leaving both sides of the Velcro on with the plastic until all pieces are secured to the backs. Have your plaque ready on hand and remove the plastic so that you can centre and secure the sticky side onto the plaque, pushing firmly. Repeat with the other end of your stuffy. How cute is this?!

Mounted Teddy Bear
Here's what you'll need:
- 1 stuffed animal you adore
- 1 wooden craft sign
- 1 handkerchief
- Hot glue gun
- 2 Velcro sticky back squares

Here's how to do it:
1. Use your hot glue gun and secure handkerchief to your stuffy. I wanted to add a little personality to this piece and thought it was endearing to have my stuffy hold a "baby blanket". This is a great opportunity to be creative with the nostalgia of your childhood.

2. Place 2 pieces of Velcro sticky back squares onto the back of your stuffy. Put both sides of the Velcro on, leaving the plastic on until all pieces are secured to the back. Have your craft sign ready on hand and remove the plastic of the Velcro. Now centre and secure onto the sign pushing firmly where the Velcro is.

3. Okay, now it's ready to hang!

Framed Stuffy
Here's what you'll need:
- 1 stuffy that would look cute dressed up
- 1 doll dress
- 1 frame — use one larger than your stuffy
- 12 small artificial flowers for our flower crown
- 6 small artificial green leaves
- 1 roll of wrapping paper with a fun pattern. I love floral so I went in that direction
- 1 can of spray adhesive
- Scissors
- Pencil

Here's how to do it:
1. Remove the glass from your frame and either reuse or recycle it. We won't be needing it for this DIY. Open the frame and take out the piece of paper inside. Use this to trace out a piece of the wrapping paper by lay out your wrapping paper and placing the photo frame paper on top. Trace with a pencil and cut out with scissors. Use your spray adhesive and spray a light coat onto the back of the wrapping paper. Now place that onto the cardboard inside the frame and gently smooth it out with your hands. Close up the back of the frame.

2. Now it's time to dress up our stuffy. I found a cute vintage doll dress at a local shop that fit my stuffy pretty well. Next, I wanted to add a little flower crown. If you want to skip this step, a cute little hat would be charming as well. I began making my flower crown by taking the small artificial flowers with wire stems and doing a french braid with the stems. Keeping adding additional flower stems as you continue your french braid. Continue until it covers the front of the head of your stuffy. I glued on some additional green leaves. Secure into place with some hot glue.

3. Time to secure our stuffy to the frame. Place 5-6 Velcro sticky back squares to your stuffy. Put both sides of the Velcro on, leaving the plastic on until all pieces are secured to the back. Have your craft sign ready on hand and remove the plastic of the Velcro. Now centre and secure onto the sign pushing firmly where the Velcro is. Just lovely! Now it's ready to hang or to sit on a bookshelf.

Lady Hayes is a designer, photographer and mama, known for her beautiful floral inspired projects and lifestyle. Her love of flowers shines through her couture crafted Flower Crowns and Petal Pop, her line of Floral Confetti with sun dried roses and gold confetti glitter. Stay connected! Visit Hayes over on her Instagram or visit her website to shop and say hi!