Make this fully foraged holiday sunburst wreath even if you live in the city
Fancy a walk? Collect your supplies for this gorgeous DIY while you’re there

Not only will this foraged DIY give your home a gorgeous farmhouse holiday vibe, it's also almost free to make. Both of these things are good! Best place to start is your very own backyard or block, collecting broken sticks and twigs on the ground around your trees. If you don't have a yard, this is a great excuse to head out to the park or go on a little hike to a local wooded area. I always recommend bringing clippers and trying to collect pieces that are dead already, especially for the sticks. For the greens you only need a few small branches. Make clean cuts and only take what you need. I usually take from a few different trees so my foot print is very small. Along your hike, see if you can score any red berries and clip a couple of branches. Please consider that some berries are poisonous and if you have animals or small children you should skip this step. Better safe than sorry. Alright, time to get started!
Here's what you'll need:
- Cardboard — 1 large piece
- Pencil
- Dinner plate
- Scissors
- Clippers
- Sticks — Cut into 75 small pieces between 3-4 inches in length
- Hot glue gun and 10 glue sticks
- 3 varieties of evergreens such as mountain hemlock pine, spruce and cedar
- 2 branches of red berries
- A few stems of thistle
- 3 pine cones
- Floral Wire
- Ivory wired ribbon — 1 metre

Here's how to do it:
1. Use a dinner plate to trace a full circle onto your cardboard with a pencil. Remove the plate and draw another circle inside that circle to create a ring. Approximately 2 inches thick.

Cut out with your scissors.

2. Cut your sticks between 3-4 inches in length. I used about 75 pieces. I like to have them slightly varied in length to make it more rustic. To start gluing your sticks to the cardboard circle, place a little hot glue on the cardboard and hold a stick into place for about 10 seconds, until secured. Work your way around the entire circle. Have a look at your stick sunburst and if there are any spaces between the sticks revealing the cardboard, glue in another stick to cover it up.

3. To build the base of greens for our wreath, take a branch of greenery — I used a mountain hemlock. Take a 10 inch piece of floral wire and wrap it around the hemlock a few times. Then attach it to the wreath by wrapping the wire in and behind the sticks and securing it by twisting the wire a few times. Trim the wire and push to lay flat against the cardboard back. Add more greens by repeating the last step but this time have your greens lay in the opposite direction. Try adding some other greens for more texture. I added some pine by just pushing a couple of branches into the wire. Add more wire if needed. I wanted my green base to by asymmetrical, so my design sits off to the left side.

4. Time to add some berries and/or other twigs. I used two berry twigs and secured them to my wreath by pushing them into the hemlock. Secure with more wire if needed. I also added some other dried finds I picked up while on my hike. Things like thistle, pine cones and dried wild flowers will add really nice texture to your wreath. Finds like these can be attached to your wreath with a glue gun. Now, glue your 3 pine cones to your wreath in the middle of your arrangement.

5. Take a 1 metre piece of your wired ribbon and make a bow. Attach just below the pine cones by glueing it in place. Fluff it up.

6. Now it's time to pour yourself some hot apple cider and hang your beautiful wreath. Good job you crafty little forager. you!

Lady Hayes is a designer, photographer and mama, known for her beautiful floral inspired projects and lifestyle. Her love of flowers shines through her couture crafted Flower Crowns and Petal Pop, her line of Floral Confetti with sun dried roses and gold confetti glitter. Stay connected! Visit Hayes over on her Instagram or visit her website to shop and say hi!