Meet the Bakers of The Great Canadian Baking Show, Season 6
This season hosts a fresh crop of talented amateur bakers!

André Hayde, Ottawa, Ont.
André is full of surprises as a personal trainer who loves to bake sweet things.

Chi Nguyễn, Toronto, Ont.
Chi's vibrant style is inspired by their six-year-old daughter, Quinn, who is also their sassiest critic.

John Fowler, Victoria, B.C.
John takes after his grandmother in baking, who taught him to do his best and keep going even if you make mistakes.

Jomar Manzano, Toronto, Ont.
Jomar also hopes that this experience will help other queer, Asian folks feel seen and inspires them to follow their dreams.

Kristi Carey, Toronto, Ont.
Kristi excels at facing new tasks head-on, whether it's learning to laminate dough or building furniture from scratch.

Lauren Tjoe, Tsawwassen, B.C.
Finance student Lauren is a self-described 21-year-old grandma. In addition to baking, her hobbies include knitting, crocheting, sewing, and collecting vintage tea pots.

Lydiane Gaborieau, Montréal, Q.C.
Lydiane looks forward to creating stylish bakes in the Tent and debating about butter with fellow Frenchman, Bruno.

Nigel Batchelor, Winnipeg, Man.
Nigel has baking in his blood as the son of a professional baker.

Rosemary O'Neill, Ottawa, Ont.
Rosemary's grandson is at the heart of her baking journey. She stepped in to make his birthday cakes in tribute to her late daughter who was a pastry chef and loved to bake for her nephew.

Zoya Thawer, Edmonton, Alta.
Zoya has been baking since childhood after moving to Canada from Tanzania.
The Great Canadian Baking Show Season 6 airs Sundays starting Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. on CBC and CBC Gem.