#CanadaGem: Mouthwatering Hawaiian pizzas from coast to coast that'll make you crave this Canadian invention

We here at CBC Life are just as excited as you about Canada's 150th birthday. So in the month leading up to July 1, we're showcasing some of our country's amazing hidden gems from coast to coast: totally Instagram-worthy food, tiles too pretty to *not* shoot, crazy views and more. #CanadaGem #CBClife
Pineapple on pizza. To some it's a mouthwatering marriage of sweet, juicy fruit with all that tart sauce, salty meat and rich, gooey melted cheese. To others, like Iceland's President Gudni Johannesson, who ignited a fiery international debate on the subject back in February, it's a travesty.
But did you know that the original idea for this controversial pie was drummed up right here in Canada? In 1962, Sam Panopoulos, then a recent immigrant from Greece who settled in Chatham, Ont., slapped some pineapple and ham on the pizza he was serving at his restaurant and called it the "Hawaiian". History was born that day, and we've been unequivocally here for the Canadian invention ever since.
To pay tribute to this patriotic pie, we've rounded up some of the most delicious, snap-worthy Hawaiian pizzas from all across the country that'll make you shout "Vive l'ananas!"
The 'Tropic Thunder' from Maker Pizza in Toronto, Ont.
The 'Spicy Bonfire Hawaiian' from Bonfire Bistro in Winnipeg, Man.
The 'Hawaiian 5-0' from Without Papers Pizza in Calgary, Alta.
The 'Hawaiian' from Morris East Restaurant, Halifax, N.S.
The 'Aloha' from Pizzeria Bros in Montreal, Que.
The 'Spicy Hawaiian' from Famous Original in Victoria, B.C.
The 'Italian Ham + Crushed Pineapple' from Famoso Pizzeria, Regina, Sask.
The 'Hawaiiano' from NàRoma Pizza Bar in Hamilton, Ont.
'The Hawaiian' from The Bear Street Tavern in Banff, Alta.
The 'BBQ Pizza' from Z's Fast Pizza in Corner Brook, N.L.
The 'Aloha Smoke' from True True in Toronto, Ont.
The 'Captain Cook' from LOVEPIZZA in Edmonton, Alta.
The 'Hawaïenne' from Il Focolaio in Montreal, Que.
The 'Hawaiian Punch' from Pizzeria Barbarello in Vancouver, B.C.
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