Your horoscope for the week ahead: The New Moon in Capricorn will bring a rush of positive energy and action
As Venus aligns with the healing energy of Neptune, it’s a meaningful time to tell loved ones how you feel

This is the start of something good. The energy of the Sunday, Jan. 2 New Moon in solid and reliable Capricorn gets this week rolling with a firm, businesslike handshake. Seize this moment and get your new year's resolutions lined up — there will be plenty of positive energy to initiate them this week.
Also on Sunday, Mercury leaves earthy Capricorn and dips into the air sign Aquarius. It will be a relatively short visit since he turns retrograde on Jan. 14 and heads back into Capricorn on the 24th. Mercury is described as the Master of Strategy in Greek mythology. His sojourn in Aquarius this week will help to revitalize your mind and provide the wisdom and clarity needed to make judicious decisions.
Meanwhile, a retrograding Venus will meet up with the Moon on Monday before aligning with Neptune and its healing energy on Wednesday. All things under the aegis of Venus, such as relationships, will be further emphasized, making this a meaningful time to express love and appreciation to all the important people in your life. And if you have a baby or young child, enjoy these sweet moments. These are precious times that, thanks to Venus, you can cherish forever.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, January 3, 2022.
Many things in your life are due to change for the better soon — particularly on the relationship front. These are not necessarily changes in your love life so much as changes in the way you communicate: the way you speak to people, how they speak to you and in the quality and depth of what is being said. Expect a defining moment this week, when something crucial will finally be explained and understood. After that, everything will start to get better.
There are times when it's hard to know exactly what you're looking for. In which case, how on earth do you expect to find it? The problem may be that you have an overly specific idea of what's missing and where it should be found. By narrowing options and ignoring alternatives, we cause perfectly acceptable substitutes to be overlooked. Another obstacle to progress is working on a notion that's far too vague. A rough idea will bring you the smoothest progress this week.
It's all about communication now. It's all about listening carefully and talking in a way that can be clearly understood. It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes, imagining how it feels to be on the receiving end of a particular statement, and using your imagination to ensure that you tailor your words to suit the situation. It's also about frankness. You don't have to reveal every last detail of a story or process, but you need to be sure that you're not helping someone labour under a convenient — but ultimately unfortunate — misapprehension.
We all might feel, to some extent, that we're a bit like space travellers, moving from one planet to another. We feel differently about each other, depending on our mood and situation. What we want, what we think we can get and what we're upset about all influence how we treat each other. We can be angry one minute and understanding the next. We're all changeable. This week, though, the inconsistency in a certain person's attitude will start to work very much in your favour.
You are, it seems, due to fare rather well for yourself this week. It may come as a surprise to you that emotionally, psychologically and materially, too, you will make great steps forward. You will at least be able to see roughly what the trade off is, and thus be free to make informed, conscious choices about which opportunities to take — and which to pass up. You should find that most of the possible exchanges with people are well worth making.
You are eagerly looking for something that will capture your interest and your heart, drawing you into an exciting world. You've experienced the darkest hour. You know what that feels like. What you want now is a bright new dawn. Even if you find yourself dwelling on the bad, you will soon be overwhelmed with good news, making it impossible to ignore the positive possibility starting to arise. It may be only a possibility, but it is a strong one.
Life often feels like a treadmill, leaving us stuck in routines we can't escape. We wake up, eat breakfast, get to work, fulfil our obligations and spend most of the day not following our heart's calling. At the same time, we normally spend more than we can afford, struggle more than we wish and worry more than we need to. Life's great, isn't it? Actually, this week, it will be. There's a surprising shift coming that will help break you out of your routine.
Think of yourself as the chief improviser in a cool collection of great musicians. That familiar tune they're playing is the situation you now find yourself in, once again. You've been caught up in this predicament before. The best way to get out of it is to stop repeating old patterns and phrases. Down with clichés. Put an end to banalities and be spontaneous. Act sure of yourself, even if you aren't. Dare to be confident, and all will be fine this week.
Some changes are in store that you will be very pleased about. You've been extremely patient, but you're thinking "it's about time." This good news suggests that you are in a fine position to help the people around you. It also implies that others are offering you their support. If you don't feel comfortably connected, or it seems as if you'll face challenges ahead, fear not. Soon you'll see a significant change for the better.
You have been feeling extra vulnerable lately. While it could begin to feel as if everything is changing in the wrong way and there is very little you can do about it, this mood will pass. You're made of strong stuff. You know how to ward off these feelings. And there is something you can do that is very constructive: you can stop worrying. For there is no need. A growing sense of optimism is in store that will dash all your fears.
You've got some trouble to sort out. It has you worried, but that's actually good news — improvement is necessary and this is giving you the impetus to do it. Nobody likes to rock a steady boat, so a little turmoil may be just what is needed to force you to make a big decision. Too much depends on too little, or on a misplaced hope. You might have to take a risk and push a point, or go further than you usually would in order to fix things. But fix them, you will. Without doubt, this will be a positive turning point for you.
Something is causing more concern than it should, and it is draining precious energy that could be used for a far more fruitful endeavour. Apply a little perspective and try to be more objective. A few years from now, you'll hardly remember the situation that seems so crucial. Tap into your reserves of enthusiasm and determination to help balance your mood and you'll be able to make things happen. The trick, if you can manage it, is to act as if nothing is troubling you. Then you'll find that things often go far better than expected.