Your horoscope for the week ahead: The end of Mercury retrograde helps you find solutions to your challenges
Mars is providing the energy you need to accomplish big things

The three-week Mercury retrograde comes to an end on Tuesday. It is stopping on a hard point where it will form a square to Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. This can throw things into a tizzy, but your world will go fine as long as you keep your cool, even in the face of delays and glitches to schedules and communications.
Mercury is a problem solver, so whatever your challenges you will find a solution. He is pausing on the fixed star, Spica, in the constellation Virgo. This is the star of Nature which is working on healing herself. Mercury is translating her struggle to us.
Mars is the dominant star visible high above all evening. Look for his reddish hue. He'll help you with your big tasks. Jupiter and Saturn are still visible, but they are speeding their way eastward in their race to meet up in Aquarius on December 21.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 2, 2020.
Don't act on an assumption. Just get the appropriate information and check it. It could yet alter everything. What now seems rather dour will soon become vibrant and exciting as your power grows. The details surrounding a pressing issue are so complicated and convoluted, that it seems an impossible task to discover the truth with the information that is now available. That will all change as Mercury's return to direct motion brings some hitherto unknown facts to your attention. A more complete story is about to be revealed. As it comes to light, you'll find yourself free to pursue more options and possibilities than what you have now.
Before you can bring about the change you seek, you need to set something straight. Clarify a point of confusion in a crucial relationship and then safely introduce a new plan. It is necessary now to reconsider an agreement or arrangement. There is pressure to make a quick decision. Ignore the pressure and proceed at a speed which is comfortable. Mercury's change of direction will offer you all the intuition and clarity you so urgently seek. The Universe will redeem your hard work and guide you to a land of bliss. All mysteries will clear themselves up happily.
Life is what we make it. That message can, in fact, be found in the themes of ancient mythology. The challenge for you now is to maintain a positive frame of mind in face of all that is dark and threatening. Your own personal planetary configurations do paint a hugely optimistic picture. Certain pressures will ease, anxieties will abate, and you will successfully redefine your goals to something with which you are supremely happy. Mercury's return to direct motion will offer you the chance to discover a new way of thinking. Be bold and show willingness and a pathway will open.
There are deals to be done this week. Some arrangements must be made. Some details must be attended to. Some plans are crucial and must be finalized. A conversation needs to take place. Something must be said to someone just as you must hear what they have to say. It all requires your time and energy. Even if you are reluctant to go ahead you will feel better once it's done. The pressure associated with everything will start to ease up once you commence. So, say what you feel so reluctant to say. As Mercury returns to direct motion, things will rapidly fall into place. You'll manage it all perfectly.
Ask yourself if it is worth it to keep racing along at the pace you're being forced to maintain. Granted it is hard to get out of the fast lane once you've committed to it. Think carefully, but don't think too much. It's time to switch off the high voltage cerebral energy, ease up on the emotional intensity and tune into the positive celestial forces that are guiding you. Let Mercury's return to direct motion do the hard work. Existence is a precious, simple gift to be enjoyed and appreciated, not endlessly, suspiciously dissected. You are contemplating a big bold move. Don't worry. You are doing fine.
The more you get your mind off your worries, the quicker you'll start to notice a positive trend taking hold in a certain angst-filled situation. All is due to work out fine, providing you don't inadvertently sabotage your coming success by trying to force things. Mercury's return to direct motion will make an old problem disappear like a message written in the sand on the beach. Several waves will wash away a point of discord with someone. One moment, you can still see it all. The next, nothing is left. That old problem is currently disappearing in this fashion.
Back away from any situation you don't need to be involved in. Step aside from any debate, discussion or disagreement that it isn't absolutely imperative you take part in. You will save yourself a lot of emotional stress and mental strain. Once the talking is over and the jockeying for position is complete, you will find that things have worked out much as you hoped they would. Mercury's return to direct motion is releasing what you need to know a little at a time. Things will all fall perfectly into place when the time is right. Spontaneity and serendipity will yet prove to be more useful to you than strategy.
The fear that trouble is brewing, looming or impending is not correct. There is no disaster waiting to befall you. A stormy sky is causing you to worry excessively over issues that are not nearly as bad as they seem. Put aside your fears and focus on a vision of a happy outcome. With a positive sense of purpose and commitment, you will cast off your trepidation. Mercury's change of direction is protecting and empowering you. You are concerned about letting someone down who seems to be depending on you even though you know they are going to turn out well. And sooner than you think.
You are certainly experiencing many deep and profound passions. But these, by and large, have more to do with the material world than the emotional one. You are becoming exceedingly agitated about a matter of considerable importance. The challenges you are facing seem larger than life. They leave you feeling that a certain dream may be doomed. Not true. Be reassured! Mercury's pause in the sky is offering help in the way of inspiration and hope. Propitious astrological alignments indicate that you will reach your goal. Any sense of inadequacy you have will soon be replaced with a hearty feeling of achievement.
Life isn't proceeding in a rational manner. With everything going on, it's hard to concentrate. There are so many distractions pulling your attention in so many different directions. Yet, there is an amazing truth hidden in the seemingly ordinary story that is being told to you now. Mercury's change of direction is showing you a clear path through the confusion. It demands that you follow what your heart is saying as opposed to the babble of voices in your head. Do what you want to do, rather than doing what you think you ought to do. If something feels right, it's a sure thing that it is right.
We don't need people pouring cold water over our big ideas. We can easily do it to ourselves just by being gloomy. Mercury's pause as he changes direction this week is going to help you out. Certain caustic alignments that were limiting your power and influence have begun lifting. It means that progress will assuredly come concerning something you very much need. So, don't abandon crucial plans just when the tide is starting to flow your way. Now is the time to perfect your strategy as Mercury opens your horizon and guides you into uncharted territory. Here is your chance to make your mark.
You don't really need to add anything to your life at the moment. Instead, you need to take something away. Mercury returning to direct motion should help you simplify a matter that has become unnecessarily complicated. If you're having to think hard about the rights and wrongs of a particular matter, you are giving it more attention than necessary. The need to stay focused on positive thoughts in times of stress is hard to do, but essential. That may be hard to do when pressures are upon you, yet this is exactly the time you must believe it. The universe supports you totally and completely.