The advice from our moms that we still follow today
Our readers share words of wisdom from the woman who knows

Whether solicited or unsolicited, colloquial, classic or profound, a mother's advice has a way of sticking with you, whether you like it or not. She may not always get it right, though she mostly does — and she's got your best interest at heart. To celebrate moms and their wisdom, we asked our readers to share the best advice they ever got from their moms, via our Facebook page and Instagram. Here are some of the tokens you said you still live by today:
Janet Ellis: "A poem my mother recited almost daily to me: Once a task has just begun, never leave it till it's done, may the labour be great or small, do it well or not at all."
Alex Bromley: "Be open-minded but not so much your brain falls out."
@dimple_dumpling: "Many problems can be solved with a big drink of water and a good night's sleep."
Margaret McIntosh MacIntyre: "Stick up for yourself, but always, always be polite."
Virpi Nuutinen: "You have wings, now just learn how to fly!"
@leppvirginia: "Don't go empty handed."
Treena Ann: "Only cut half the seal on the baking powder container so you can use it to level off the measuring spoon."
@thefitnessartist: "Cherish every moment."
Ann M Leis: "Always tell the truth, no matter how hard that can be, and never lie to your mother."
Jodie DesJardins: "Don't settle for the crumbs."
@rajeeo: "This too will pass. Everything is momentary — accept it and you'll be able to stay IN the moment."
Lana Kenyon Black: "When cooking, pay attention to colour on plate, and make sure you don't have two sauces!"
Karen Wells: "You're known by the company you keep."
@portia_corman: "Be a leader, not a follower."
Cindy Bailey: "Wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident."
@mylifewithmuskokaontheside: "Listen to your gut (intuition). Your feelings within you should always be trusted."
What's the best piece of advice your mom ever gave you? Share it with us in the comments, then head over to our Facebook page to see all of the responses.