15 things to do at home to keep busy and happy right now
A little list of activities to help you refocus your time, reduce boredom and replace some of your routines

Whether your regular work and gym routines are on hold, you're self-isolating, or you're simply staying home more to mitigate potential coronavirus risks, you might be in search of ways to rethink and replace routines that are important to you. Starting a new book or finally listening to that podcast you've been meaning to check out are great places to start if you're spending less time socializing. Additionally, we've compiled a list of 15 fun and functional activities for you and/or your family to consider that can help you refocus your time in a productive way and help reduce overall boredom. Below you'll find a selection of things to cook, play, and craft while hanging out at home.
Try these full body at-home workouts
These 5 fun full-body 20-minute workout videos are great for tackling one at a time Monday to Friday, or for doubling up on if you've got the energy.

Finally learn how to make homemade bread
Make your own rye sourdough starter from scratch or bake the go-to loaf of an Olympian.

Learn how to knit
Here's everything you need to know to get started yourself.

Pick up a deck of cards and become an expert at euchre
Here's a guide to this four-person game.

Take to the kitchen and perfect your pie crust
Watch how simply this intricate 3D pie art comes together and we promise you'll think "I totally can do this!"

Take up a new yoga flow
This one only takes 5 minutes and you can do it while your morning coffee brews.

Master Mahjong
Here's a guide to this good vibes game of senses and strategy.

Do a little DIY for your walls
This how-to walks you through installing renter-friendly, peel-and-stick decals that will transform transform any small space.

Grab your scissors and your favourite stuffed animal, and give them a new life!
Here are 3 DIY ways to display your beloved childhood stuffed animals.

Play some lively but low-key indoor games
Here are five parlour games that require no special equipment and a few old faithfuls that call for a deck of cards or game set.

Dig out that cribbage board and learn how to master the game
We've got a beginner's guide to this great pastime right here.

Brush up on your love pop pscyh
Experts answer the big questions around sex, love, dating, mating and breaking in this article.

Bake with the kids
Mardi Michels' Mixed Berry Galettes are the perfect kid-friendly pastry recipe (and no, that's not an oxymoron).

Spend some time 'In the Studio with Steven Sabados'
Learn how to create an ombre landscape watercolour painting so beautiful you'll spend hours lost in it.

Figure out what chess is all about
Get into the game easily with this guide that's full of tips from the coach of some of Canada's top players.