Michelle Jobin
Latest from Michelle Jobin

Why you need Mountain Climbers in your life and how to do them right
The really simple do's and don'ts of performing this powerful strength and cardio conditioning exercise
Wellness |

Simple tips and light gear to help you work out while away
These tools and tips will help you stay fit on the road.
Wellness |

Red, white and bubbly: the best Canadian wines to sip this holiday season
Enjoy some of Canada's finest wines this holiday!
Holiday |

The best fitness gifts they'll appreciate post-holidays
Fitness expert Michelle Jobin shares her best and most useful gift ideas for the fitness freaks on your list!

A better body for the Holidays? It can happen
Is it actually possible to get in to shape before the end of the year? We have some foolproof ways to help you at least try!
Wellness |