Eva Voinigescu
Eva Voinigescu is a Toronto-based journalist, interior designer and YouTuber. Find her at evavoinigescu.com.
Latest from Eva Voinigescu

Magical ways to decorate with paper this holiday season
Turn everyday paper items into festive accents with these chic and budget-friendly ideas.
Holiday |

5 shop owners on how to bring home 2024's top holiday decorating trends
Professional tastemakers share how they get the look and why they’re so into these styles right now.
Holiday |

Last-minute pumpkin carving and decorating help
These TikTokkers and Instagrammers share easy tips and lots of inspiration.
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How to host a garage sale like a celebrity
Insider tips from expert sellers to help you stage the sale of the summer.
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How to wake up without an alarm — and why it's worth trying
Waking naturally might help you ditch chronic social jet lag for good.
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What you need to know about the future of the gig economy — whether you're in it now or not
Canada’s digital economy is bigger than you think.
Work & Money |

7 ways drinking alcohol can affect your fitness goals
And why sweating out a hangover isn’t really a thing.

A fine romance indeed: Great minds on why love isn't always grand
Quotes from times when authors, actors, scientists and more took their rose-coloured glasses off.
Culture |

Everything you want to ask about STIs but maybe haven't yet
Dr. Jen Gunter gives us the lowdown on first symptoms, testing and more.
Wellness |

Two families' modern take on the multi-generational home
"It was really about setting up an ecosystem for our lives that really was self-sustaining."
Culture |