Windsor approves $3M for Lakeview Park Marina repairs
The marina docks have been significantly damaged due to high water levels

City of Windsor council has approved $3 million to replace damaged docks at Lakeview Park Marina.
All 250 slips at the marina have closed for the season. The city made that decision due to safety concerns with fluctuating water levels.
"The water levels combined with wind pushing the water on shore have lifted many of the wooden planks off their steel structures," says a report to council.
Only $670,000 is available through the Lakeview Park Marina project funds over the next five years. Administration recommended the city use $2,575,000 out of the Central Riverfront Park Improvement (CRPI) project.
The city will then replenish the funds of the CRPI project using the one-time federal gas tax funding — $2 million — and $1 million from Lakeview Park Marina project funds in 2024.
Complete assessment, design and engineering of the project will begin in July 2019. The city estimates that the project will be completed by March 2020.
The gas and diesel fuel pumps will remain open at the marina "for as long as water levels permit," the report says.
Peche Island tours will also begin as scheduled in early June, so long as water levels and safety factors allow travel.