Living Library 2018: Greg Cotnam

It was a normal day at work for miner Greg Cotnam, when he went underground to prepare a rock face for drilling. While he was clearing the ground, the rock face burst, burying Greg and his vehicle in 100 tonnes of rock.

CBC Sudbury featuring survivors in Living Library event

Greg Cotnam survived a traumatic mining accident when the rock face he was preparing for drilling burst. He is one of the guests at CBC's Living Library on Saturday, Oct. 27. (Markus Schwabe/CBC)

It was a normal day at work for miner Greg Cotnam, when he went underground to prepare a rock face for drilling.

While he was clearing the ground, the rock face burst, burying Greg and his vehicle in 100 tonnes of rock.

He sustained serious injuries to his skull, face and hands. One of his few memories from the accident is a vision of his daughters sitting around the Christmas tree, crying that he had died.

Greg went back to work three months later. Today, he continues to get treatment for his injuries, and occasionally he thinks back to the accident while working underground.

 But despite his experience, he still enjoys mining and the people he works with.

It's just like a car accident. People ask me 'How could you go back mining?' If you're in a car accident you don't walk the rest of your life, right? You got to get back on the horse and keep going.- Greg Cotnam

Meet Greg at CBC Sudbury's Living Library. The event is being held in partnership with the Greater Sudbury Public Library. This year's theme is "Survivors."

The event is taking place Saturday, Oct. 27 at the South End Public Library at 1991 Regent St. between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.