Living Library 2018: Don Perreault
CBC Sudbury featuring survivors in Living Library event
Don Perreault has had a lot of bad luck and a lot of good luck in his life.
When he was 28, Don discovered he had chronic myeloid leukemia. He received two bone marrow transplants from his brother, Roger, who was a very close match.
His body rejected the transplant and ended up attacking his lung tissue. Don lived with reduced lung capacity for several years, before moving to Toronto to receive a lung transplant.
He was told the wait could be up to three years, but within seven weeks, he got the call that it was time for surgery.
Nine years later, Don is in relatively good health. He is active again and looks forward to skiing with his niece Kali in the winter.
I think what comes of all of this is now I have, without saying, a better appreciation for my daily life, right? I mean, all we have is the present. The past is a memory and the future is just anticipation.- Don Perreault
Meet Don at CBC Sudbury's Living Library. The event is being held in partnership with the Greater Sudbury Public Library. This year's theme is "Survivors."
The event is taking place Saturday, Oct. 27 at the South End Public Library at 1991 Regent St. between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.