Hail the size of baseballs hammers Saskatchewan
Some car windows smashed around the province

It's been a summer of big hailstones in Saskatchewan, but last night people were reporting the biggest ones yet.
Photos of hail the size of baseballs were circulating on social media from places like Strongfield and Stewart Valley, but there were plenty of tennis-ball-sized hailstones, too.
- Fierce Sask. storm photos: funnel clouds, hail and lightning
- Environment Canada confirms tornado near Davidson, Sask.

Here's Environment Canada's roundup of hail in Saskatchewan from July 19, 2016:
- Herschel: golf ball size
- Carmichael: golf ball size
- Tompkins area: tennis ball size
- Bounty: golf ball size
- Outlook: tennis ball size to softball size
- Stewart Valley: baseball size
- Broderick: Loonie size
- Strongfield: baseball size
The hail came out the same system of thunderstorms that generated funnel clouds spotted near Davidson and Girvin.
It's expected that insurance agents will be busy today. Reports of storm damage, including smashed windshields, have been trickling in.
Wild weather photos wanted
Have any photos from the storm you'd like to pass along to CBC? Send your submissions to saskphotos@cbc.ca.
Holy fastball batman! Just got this photo from Stewart Valley, Sask! 6:45pm July 19. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ButlerByersHail?src=hash">#ButlerByersHail</a> <a href="https://t.co/LNfTM3dp5b">pic.twitter.com/LNfTM3dp5b</a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/LaurenR47669110">@LaurenR47669110</a> Softball sized or better <a href="https://t.co/ITKWutgda1">pic.twitter.com/ITKWutgda1</a>
We found the odd softball one just west of outlook <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/skstorm?src=hash">#skstorm</a> <a href="https://t.co/Vdv2TD0zDy">pic.twitter.com/Vdv2TD0zDy</a>
Large hail along the South Sask near Outlook <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/skstorm?src=hash">#skstorm</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cannonball?src=hash">#cannonball</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/jbarton9">@jbarton9</a> video <a href="https://t.co/lpJ8xMEcLF">pic.twitter.com/lpJ8xMEcLF</a>