Country Thunder music festival bans large bags from gated areas
Freezer bags, plastic bags and clutches allowed; backpacks, coolers and camera bags barred

Country Thunder is banning festival goers from bringing large bags into the gated areas for this year's events.
People can still bring in clear plastic bags, disposable freezer bags and small clutches. However, they will not be able to tote camera bags, coolers, large purses or backpacks.

"The fun side of the festival can't happen until you have all of your policies in place," said Gerry Krochak, director of marketing and media for the festival.
The change was made to enhance security at the festival in light of violent incidents that have occurred throughout North America at festivals and events in the past few years, he said.
"We certainly want to do our part to up the level of safety and security so that was kind of the catalyst for making these changes."
"Anytime any of those things happen it makes you look at yourself and ask what we can do to ensure we are doing our part," Krochak said.
He said the way festival planners have to think about safety, especially how to increase it, has changed.
"It becomes the new normal. Air travel was a lot different pre-9-11," he said. "Going to large scale events where there's tens of thousands people, again it's due diligence and it's the world we live in."
Country Thunder has four festivals in North America. The Saskatchewan festival is scheduled for July 12-15 in Craven, Sask.