RCMP warn against naked dancing at Craven country music festival
Don't 'dance like nobody's watching' unless you have clothes on, say RCMP in news release

Dance to your heart's content, just don't do it naked. That's the RCMP's message to revellers at this weekend's Craven Country Thunder music festival north of Regina.
In a news release issued Saturday morning, the police service reminded festival-goers to stay clothed regardless of how free the music makes them feel.
"Craven Country Thunder attendees are definitely having fun and we have noticed at times they feel inspired to 'dance like nobody's watching,'" the RCMP said in a news release.
"The reality is that other people at the event ARE watching.
"While the RCMP fully supports everyone's desire to have fun and enjoy themselves, we do ask that you please do so while wearing clothes."
Staff Sgt. Craig Cleary said there has been "a couple" of public nudity incidents since the festival started on Thursday.
"The incidents we dealt with were with highly intoxicated person(s) not wearing any clothing at all," Cleary said in an emailed response to questions about what police considered to be nudity.
He said no charges have been laid in connection with public nudity at Craven.
In the 24-hour period before 11 a.m. local time on Saturday, police also responded to six reports of assault, seven reports of disturbing the peace, six reports of public intoxication and one report of sexual assault.
The RCMP said the latter was a report of inappropriate touching over clothing but the victim did not wish to pursue charges.
Other incidents at the festival included:
- Mischief - 1
- Roadside suspensions - 1
- Alcohol and Gaming Regulation violations - 3
- Theft - 1
- Speeding - 3
- Other Traffic Safety Act violations - 41
- Driving while suspended - 1