Tryon highway alignment causing speeding problems, says Green Party
P.E.I.’s Green Party Leader says a highway realignment project in Tryon is creating a dangerous traffic situation.
A local daycare owner would like to see a left turn lane installed

P.E.I.'s Green Party Leader says a highway realignment project in Tryon is creating a dangerous traffic situation.
Peter Bevan-Baker said a local daycare owner has complained to him that the realignment of the road and improved sight lines are leading people to drive much faster on the road.
The daycare would like to see a left turn lane put in, so parents dropping their children off can turn more safely into the driveway.
The transportation minister says the department is willing to sit down with the business owner to talk, but there is no provision for building a left turn lane from a highway into a business.
Construction is slated to begin this summer on phase two of the highway realignment project in Tryon.