Trans Canada Highway at Tryon gets redesign

The P.E.I. Department of Transportation is moving ahead with plans for the redesign of a portion of highway in the Tryon area.

The work is expected to go to tender in the next few weeks

The P.E.I. Department of Transportation is moving ahead with plans for the redesign of a portion of the Trans Canada highway in the Tryon area.

The first phase of the project is at the intersection of Route 10, Augustine Cove. 

Stephen Yeo is the chief engineer for the Department of Transportation

He said there is a curve there that is below the design standards of today.

“So we are looking at increasing or smoothing out the curve to make a better transition for traffic to manoeuvre through there ... We’re just finalizing the design options and talking with affected land owners out there now,” he said.

The work will go to tender in the next few weeks, with construction taking place this summer.

Another section will be done next year in the same area at the Branch Road intersection.

The project will cost $1.8 million this year, and another $1.8 million in 2015.