Suspicious pipe found in Charlottetown home determined not to be explosive device
Police say no charges will be laid

Charlottetown police say a suspicious device found on Passmore Street on Aug. 11 was not an explosive device.
The metal pipe with end caps was discovered in a shed on the property when the homeowner was tearing it down.
Since the pipe looked like a pipe bomb, he called the police.
Police blocked off the area and evacuated nearby homes for several hours as a precaution. The explosive disposal unit from Halifax was called in and removed the pipe.
Charlottetown police Deputy Chief Brad MacConnell said the unit destroyed the pipe with a controlled charge as a precaution.
"It did have some hallmarks of what is known as a pipe bomb but it also had missed some components including any sort of obvious detonation component," MacConnell said in an interview with CBC News.
"The ERU, the explosive removal unit, disposed of the device in a safe manner and no further action or investigation is anticipated in that matter."

MacConnell said police have determined there was no malicious intent behind the device, and no charges will be laid.