6 things announced in the P.E.I. budget
P.E.I. Finance Minister Wes Sheridan has little money to spend as he works his way back towards balancing the books, so Tuesday's budget contained few new announcements.
Budget light on new initiatives

P.E.I. Finance Minister Wes Sheridan has little money to spend as he works his way back towards balancing the books, so Tuesday's budget contained few new announcements.
Those that were announced were of the inexpensive kind.
Many of the new programs announced involve private partnerships with a minimal investment of tax dollars.
- Subsidies on bus fares with Maritime Bus for Islanders travelling to the mainland for medical treatment.
- A partnership with the Red Cross to provide medical equipment for people to recuperate at home rather than in hospital.
- A program sponsored by P.E.I. optometrists to provide free eye exams and glasses for eligible kindergarten students.
Other initiatives announced in the budget include
- $400,000 for the purchase of insulin pumps and other supplies for children with type 1 diabetes.
- $775,000 in operational support for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital day surgery department.
- A two per cent increase in room and board and clothing allowances for children in care.
- Red Cross provides equipment on loan, not as a rental, as this story previously stated.Apr 11, 2014 10:23 AM EDT