He may only be 16, but this student has lots to say about local politics

He can't vote yet, but that doesn't stop Ben Oates, 16, from having an opinion about politics. The Grade 11 student at Holy Heart of Mary keeps a close eye on the province's political scene.
And with a election around the corner, he has some inspiring thoughts on what's important to him as a teen who wants to have a future here in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Click the player below to hear what Ben has to say!
About Listen Up
We're delighted to bring you this series about teenagers in Newfoundland and Labrador.
With Listen Up, you'll hear teens tell their own stories, in their own words.
For the coming weeks, Listen Up is airing most Thursdays on your local CBC Radio morning show in Newfoundland and Labrador.
We'll also be posting the stories here online, and sharing them on social media.
Would you like to take part? Click here to send us a pitch about your story.