Meet a teenager who learned some lessons about online safety — and wrote a play
Mira Buckle is 15, and is taking her views on cyberbullying and other problems to the stage

Staying safe online and using social media in a positive way is something Mira Buckle of Corner Brook thinks younger kids should know about.
So, how do you get them to engage? Produce a play!
That's what Mira, 15, did recently for Grades 4, 5 and 6 students on the west coast of Newfoundland.
She covers things like how to spot fake news, and how to deal with cyberbullying.
On this week's episode of Listen Up — our new series of stories, by and for young people — you'll hear about some of the advice she has, and about why she feels it's so important to share it.
Click the player to hear Mira's story:
About Listen Up
We're delighted to bring you a new series about teenagers in Newfoundland Labrador.
With Listen Up, you'll hear teens tell their own stories, in their own words.
For the coming weeks, Listen Up airs Thursdays on your local CBC Radio morning show in Newfoundland and Labrador.
We'll also be posting the stories here online, and sharing them on social media.
Would you like to take part? Click here to send us a pitch note about your story.