Wanita Bates
Wanita Bates is a freelance writer, photographer and broadcaster in St. John's. She has won national and international awards for her work.
Latest from Wanita Bates

Decision fatigue — from ice cream to mini-splits — is wearing me out
Are choices a waste of time? Navigating ice cream dilemmas, fitness tracker fumbles and mini-split madness.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

What's that I hear? The unmistakeable sounds — and feelings — of getting older
Once upon a time, Wanita Bates compared her body to Tracey Chapman's Fast Car, filled with hope, freedom and adventure. Today, her car song is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

From hair to eternity: My life is a story of a thousand cuts
Wanita Bates has coaxed, cajoled, threatened and almost set her hair on fire to get her straight spaghetti-like hair to hold a curl.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Feathered phrases: How birds influence how we talk — and think
Canaries in a coalmine, early birds and their worms, the tweets we scroll on our phones: there are plenty of words about birds. Guest columnist Wanita Bates takes flight in this look at what we owe to the bird world.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

A recipe that's been in the (human) family for years. Thousands of them, actually
On a weekend that celebrates food, contributor Wanita Bates thinks about recipes, and how they have changed through the years. “Our recipes have evolved from ancient stone tablets to searching the web on tablets we need to plug in,” she says.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
Here's why 'I told you so' may be the least helpful thing you can say
They may only be four words, but put together, their smugness could harm your relationships, writes contributor Wanita Bates.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
How's this for an uplifting story? My love-hate relationship with the bra
While the first bra was made of handkerchiefs and not invented until 1914, writes Wanita Bates, our breasts have been bound and supported in some way or another.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |
Point of View
He loved being 'crooked': I remember the day I rubbed John Crosbie's belly
When Wanita Bates moved to St. John's in 1996, she fell in love with the people, the accents, and the unique Newfoundland vernacular. So much so, she and her business partners created a line of T-shirts with some of those words and sayings.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
Miss manners? You bet I do! Why we need more civility everywhere we go
Manners used to matter. Come to think of it, they've always mattered, writes Wanita Bates.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
Anti-social media: Would it really kill you to put down that phone?
Some describe their phone as a useful tool they use to stay connected. In fact, writes Wanita Bates, it's your bossy, whiny and demanding companion.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |